

A script to evaluate expressions in multiple lisp implementations.

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Yukari Hafner <>


Yukari Hafner <>


## About CL-ALL This is a simple script to run a Lisp snippet in locally installed lisp implementations. Requires at least SBCL. ## How To You can either build a fixed SBCL binary with ``make``, or symlink ``cl-all.lisp`` to ``cl-all``. Either way, once ``cl-all`` is in your path: :: cl-all '(print :hi)' cl-all sbcl ecl '(print "Oh man!")' cl-all --print '"Oh man"' cl-all --file "something.lisp" echo ":stdin" | cl-all --print :: You can also load this system into your SBCL session and use it from the comfort of the REPL: :: common-lisp (cl-all:eval-in-lisp :ecl "(print call-arguments-limit)") :: ## Example Output :: $ cl-all --print call-arguments-limit --> ABCL: 50 --> Allegro: 16384 --> CCL: 65536 --> CLisp: 4096 --> CMUCL: 536870911 --> ECL: 65536 --> MKCL: 2305843009213693951 --> SBCL: 4611686018427387903 :: ## CLI Reference :: cl-all (implementation | option | snippet)* implementation: The given implementation is run. If no implementations are explicitly specified, all known and available implementations are used. See -l for a list of available implementations. option: --print -p Causes the last form's value to be printed. --file -f Uses the given file as input. --eval -e Evaluates the given expression. --no-rc -n Do not run implementation init files. --lisps -l Lists all known and available implementations and exit. --help -h Show this usage prompt and exit. -- All further arguments are used as tokens to be evaluated, concatenated by spaces. snippet: A lisp snippet to be evaluated. If no snippet, file, or eval option is given, the standard input is used to read forms from. Forms are read until EOF is encountered (C-d). :: ## Known Implementations - ABCL - Allegro - CCL - Clasp - Clisp - CMUCL - ECL - JSCL - MKCL - SBCL

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