

Draws a cons tree in ASCII-art style.

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Nils M. Holm, Chris Bagley, Michał "phoe" Herda <phoe@disroot.org>


Public Domain


Draws a cons tree in ASCII-art style.

  • Originally created by Nils M. Holm as a Scheme program in the function library of "Scheme 9 from Empty Space";
  • Ported to Common Lisp by Chris Bagley;
  • Extended and tested by Michał "phoe" Herda.


  • Function DRAW-TREE
    • (draw-tree form &key width prefix stream drawing-mode)
    • Draws a cons tree in ASCII-art style. If *PRINT-CIRCLE* is true, structure sharing is detected in the printed tree.
    • Keyword arguments:
      • :WIDTH - if NIL, the width of every column is adjusted automatically based on the contents of that column. If true, it must be an (INTEGER 5) and denotes the fixed width of all columns. Atoms which cannot fit in a column will be truncated. Defaults to NIL.
      • :PREFIX - the prefix that will be printed before every line, or NIL for no prefix. Defaults to ";;; ".
      • :STREAM - the stream that the form will be drawn to, or T for standard output, or NIL if a string should be returned. Defaults to T.
      • :DRAWING-MODE - denotes the preferred direction of printing the cons tree. :VERTICAL produces output which has more rows, whereas :HORIZONTAL - more columns. Defaults to :VERTICAL.


General use

The entry point is the function DRAW-TREE which will attempt to draw any cons tree provided to it to standard output.

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (draw-tree '(foo bar baz))
;;; [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
;;;  |     |     |
;;; FOO   BAR   BAZ

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (draw-tree `(defun foo (&rest things)
                              (apply #'+ things)))
;;; [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
;;;  |     |     |     |
;;; DEFUN FOO    |    [o|o]--[o|o]----[o|/]
;;;              |     |      |        |
;;;              |    APPLY   |       THINGS
;;;              |            |
;;;             [o|o]-[o|/]  [o|o]----[o|/]
;;;              |     |      |        |
;;;             &REST THINGS FUNCTION  +

Fixed width

By default, the width of each column is determined automatically. It is possible to provide fixed-width output by supplying the WIDTH keyword argument. Atoms whose name cannot fit are automatically truncated.

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (draw-tree `(defun foo (&rest things)
                              (apply #'+ things))
                           :width 5)
;;; [o|o][o|o][o|o][o|/]
;;;  |    |    |    |
;;; D... FOO   |   [o|o][o|o][o|/]
;;;            |    |    |    |
;;;            |   A...  |   T...
;;;            |         |
;;;           [o|o][o|/][o|o][o|/]
;;;            |    |    |    |
;;;           &... T... F...  +

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (draw-tree `(defun foo (&rest things)
                              (apply #'+ things))
                           :width 12)
;;; [o|o]-------[o|o]-------[o|o]-------[o|/]
;;;  |           |           |           |
;;; DEFUN       FOO          |          [o|o]-------[o|o]-------[o|/]
;;;                          |           |           |           |
;;;                          |          APPLY        |          THINGS
;;;                          |                       |
;;;                         [o|o]-------[o|/]       [o|o]-------[o|/]
;;;                          |           |           |           |
;;;                         &REST       THINGS      FUNCTION     +

Custom prefix

It's possible to supply a custom per-line prefix via the PREFIX keyword argument:

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (draw-tree '(foo bar baz)
                           :prefix ">>> ")
>>> [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
>>>  |     |     |
>>> FOO   BAR   BAZ

Stream selection

It's possible to select the stream that will be drawn to via the :STREAM keyword argument, which also accepts T and NIL the same way FORMAT does:

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (draw-tree '(foo bar baz)
                           :stream t)
;;; [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
;;;  |     |     |
;;; FOO   BAR   BAZ

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (with-output-to-string (s)
                  (draw-tree '(foo bar baz)
                             :stream s))
";;; [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
;;;  |     |     |
;;; FOO   BAR   BAZ"

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (draw-tree '(foo bar baz)
                           :stream nil)
";;; [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
;;;  |     |     |
;;; FOO   BAR   BAZ"

Drawing mode

It is possible to request a preferred direction of printing the cons tree via the DRAWING-MODE keyword argument. :VERTICAL produces output which has more rows, whereas :HORIZONTAL - more columns.

DRAW-CONS-TREE/TEST> (draw-tree '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9)) 
                                :drawing-mode :vertical)
;;; [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
;;;  |     |     |
;;;  |     |    [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
;;;  |     |     |     |     |
;;;  |     |     7     8     9
;;;  |     |
;;;  |    [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
;;;  |     |     |     |
;;;  |     4     5     6
;;;  |
;;; [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
;;;  |     |     |
;;;  1     2     3

DRAW-CONS-TREE/TEST> (draw-tree '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9)) 
                                :drawing-mode :horizontal)
;;; [o|o]-------------[o|o]-------------[o|/]
;;;  |                 |                 |
;;; [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/] [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/] [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
;;;  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
;;;  1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9

The horizontal mode is sort of useful for visualizing Lisp code.

DRAW-CONS-TREE/TEST> (draw-tree `(defun foo (&rest things)
                                   (apply #'+ things))
                                :drawing-mode :horizontal)
;;; [o|o]-[o|o]-[o|o]--------[o|/]
;;;  |     |     |            |
;;; DEFUN FOO   [o|o]-[o|/]  [o|o]-[o|o]----------[o|/]
;;;              |     |      |     |              |
;;;             &REST THINGS APPLY [o|o]----[o|/] THINGS
;;;                                 |        |
;;;                                FUNCTION  +

Circularity handling

DRAW-TREE respects *PRINT-CIRCLE* and will detect circularities and shared structure if that variable is true.

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (let ((*print-circle* t))
                  (draw-tree '#1=(#1# . nil)))
;;; #1=[o|/]
;;;     |
;;;    #1#

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (let ((*print-circle* t))
                  (draw-tree '#1=(nil . #1#)))
;;; #1=[/|o]-#1#

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (let ((*print-circle* t))
                  (draw-tree '#1=(#1# . #1#)))
;;; #1=[o|o]-#1#
;;;     |
;;;    #1#

DRAW-CONS-TREE> (let ((*print-circle* t))
                  (draw-tree '(#1=(1 2 3) #1#
                               #2=(2 3 4) #2#)))
;;; [o|o]----[o|o]-[o|o]----[o|/]
;;;  |        |     |        |
;;; #2#       |    #1#   #1=[o|o]-[o|o]-[o|/]
;;;           |              |     |     |
;;;           |              2     3     4
;;;           |
;;;       #2=[o|o]-[o|o]----[o|/]
;;;           |     |        |
;;;           1     2        3


(asdf:test-system :draw-cons-tree)


Public domain (just like the original).

Dependencies (3)

  • alexandria
  • fiveam
  • split-sequence

Dependents (0)

    • GitHub
    • Quicklisp