

A python argparse inspired command line parser library

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Simon Koch <>


Simon Koch <>




A common lisp cmd argument parser inspired by python argparse




create-main-parser (var &optional description) elements* => parser

Create a parser with the given name and the variable of name

  • var: the variable name for the parser
  • description: the description for this parser
  • elements: the element forms that add parsing instructions to the parser

create-sub-parser (name &optional description) elements* => parser

Create a parser with the given name and the variable of name

  • name: the variable name and the name for the parser
  • description: the description for this parser
  • elements: the element forms that add parsing instructions to the parser

add-flag parser &key short long help var

Add a flag to the current parser

  • parser: the parser to which to add the flag
  • short: the short form (i.e., one character) of the flag
  • long: the long form of the flag
  • help: the help message to be displayed for this flag
  • var: the variable into which the truth value is stored

add-optional parser &key short long default help var

Add a parameter to the current parser

  • parser: the parser to which to add the parameter
  • short: the short form (i.e., one character) of the flag
  • long: the long form of the flag
  • default: the default value to be used in case the parameter is not used
  • help: the help message to be displayed for this flag
  • var: the variable into which the value is stored

add-positional parser &key name help

Add a positional argument to the parser

  • parser: the parser to which to add the positional argument
  • name: the name of the positional element which is also the variable name into which the value is stored
  • help: the help message to be displayed for this flag

add-subparser parser subparser

adds a subparser to the parser

  • parser: the parser to which to add the subparser
  • subparser: the subparser to be added

add-generic-parser parser gen

adds the parsing elements of the gen parser to the given parser

  • parser: the parser which is to be extended
  • gen: the parser from which the parser is to be extended

add-default parser &key var default

adds a default value to the parser

  • parser: the parser to which the default value is added
  • var: the variable name to which the default value is bound
  • default: the default value

get-value name parser

get the cmd provided variable value of name from parser

  • name: the name of the variable the value is required
  • parser: the parser from which to extract the value

parse parser argv

parse the stringlist argv using parser parser

  • parser: the parser to be used
  • argv: the arguments (i.e., list of strings) to be parsed

create-mockup-parser key-value-list*

create a parser simulating a parsing resulting in the given key-value-list

  • key-value-list: a paired list of strings to create the parser from


You can either use the short example below to get started or the longer example provided as commented source code in ./src/examples/example.lisp.

Short Example

(in-package :cl-argparse)

(format t "~a~%"
         (create-main-parser (main-parser "here comes the description of the program")
           (add-flag main-parser :short "g" :long "goo" :help "this is an example flag" :var "goo")
           (add-optional main-parser :short "t" :long "test" :help "this is an example optional argument" :var "test")
           (add-positional main-parser :name "pos" :help "this is an example for a positional")
           (add-subparser main-parser (create-sub-parser (sub "this is a sub action parser")
                                        (add-positional sub :name "action" :help "this is an example for a positional"))))
         (list "-g" "-t" "alle" "positional" "sub" "theaction")))

     goo -> T
     test -> alle
     pos -> positional
     action -> theaction

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      • GitHub
      • Quicklisp