cl-emoji provides the Unicode emoji characters
:smile: Cl-Emoji 
cl-emoji provides the Unicode emoji characters
:smile: :heart_eyes: :scream: :alien: :fire: :zzz: :hand:
cl-emoji is able to treat Emoji 5.0 defined in Unicode 10.0! (ex. UFO;
:boom: Usage
(ql:quickload :cl-emoji) (emoji:codepoint '("U+1F600")) => "ὠ0" (emoji:name "grinning face") => "ὠ0" (emoji:annotation "face") => (("ὠ0" "U+1F600" "grinning face" ("face" "grin" "person")) ...) ;; We can also get emoji with slack-like string (emoji:alpha-code ":grin:") => "ὠ1"
(format t "Hello~a!~%" (emoji:name "grinning face")) => Helloὠ0!
According to PR #3, we can use following APIs.
If you tell emoji version to cl-emoji API, do like this (and I checked if path generated at API calling):
CL-USRE> (trace format) CL-USER> (cl-emoji:annotation "grin") 0: (FORMAT NIL "file ~A" "/home/foo/cl-emoji/data/emoji_4.0_release-30.lisp") 0: FORMAT returned "file /home/foo/cl-emoji/data/emoji_4.0_release-30.lisp" (("ὠ0" ("U+1F600") "grinning face" ("face" "grin") "Smileys & People" "face-positive") ...) CL-USER> (let ((cl-emoji:*current-version* (second cl-emoji:+versions+))) (cl-emoji:annotation "grin")) 0: (FORMAT NIL "file ~A" "/home/foo/cl-emoji/data/emoji_5.0_release-31.lisp") 0: FORMAT returned "file /home/foo/cl-emoji/data/emoji_5.0_release-31.lisp" (("ὠ0" ("U+1F600") "grinning face" ("face" "grin") "Smileys & People" "face-positive") ...)
:smile: Groups and Subgroups
Those are appears in Full Emoji Data, for instance Smileys & People
is a group and face-positive
is a subgroup.
You can get emoji by group name and subgroup name with API cl-emoji:group
and cl-emoji:subgroup
see also Full Emoji Data
:smile: Search
If you want to search available annotations/groups/subgroups, then.
CL-USER> (emoji:group-apropos "foo")
CL-USER> (emoji:subgroup-apropos "bar")
CL-USER> (emoji:annotation-apropos "bazz")
:laughing: Author
- Fernado Garcia Borges (
:ok_hand: Copyright
Fernado Garcia Borges (
src/cl-emoji.lisp is licensed under the MIT License
data/emoji-list.lisp is licensed under the Unicoded License