

locally renaming packages

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PACKAGE-RENAMING This library allows you to locally rename CL packages. ==== Exported Functionality ==== The package-renaming library creates a package PACKAGE-RENAMING, that exports the following macros and functions: check-same-package-names check-package-candidate-names package-names find-package-from-names effect-package-renaming effect-package-renamings call-with-effective-package-renamings with-effective-package-renamings NB: any kind of package renaming is only safe when package operations (including any use of the Lisp reader) are single-threaded. ==== Compile-time renaming via ASDF ==== with-effective-package-renamings and call-with-effective-package-renamings are pretty low-level primitives that let you do what you need, but require you to do a lot of the groundwork. First, an important constraint to understand about building CL software. By intentional design, ASDF only has an :around-compile hook, but no :around-load hook around load, or :around-build hook around both compile and load; indeed, some implementations that rely on linking, such as ECL or GCL, might not even allow any kind of useful hook around loading, and some things one might want to do with fasls (such as linking or concatenating them together into a big fasl) might preclude any such hook. Therefore, whatever renamings you do at compile-time will NOT be done available at load-time. When the fasl is loaded, only the non-renamed names are available, and symbols, stored with the principal name of their package at compile-time, will be resolved against the set of packages at load-time. This imposes this important constraint on renamings that are admissible in ASDF's :around-compile hook: THE (PRINCIPAL) NAME OF A PACKAGE AS RENAMED AT COMPILE-TIME *MUST* BE ONE OF THE NAMES OF THAT PACKAGE AT LOAD-TIME. For instance, if your target package is COM.FOO.BLAH and has nicknames CFBLAH and BLAH, then during your rename, the main name of the package must be one of COM.FOO.BLAH, CFBLAH or BLAH, or the symbols will fail to resolve properly at load-time. You can add as many new local nicknames as you want, and use them locally in your files, you cannot delete all the original names, and you must use the original names in any operation that will happen at runtime or load-time, such as defpackage or find-symbol. Now, if you want to use package-renaming to locally override a package A with another B, it is still possible; but you have to use further tricks. The trick is to somehow ADD a new unique non-clashing nickname to each of the packages that are involved in a clash, at some point after they are defined and before they are used by your code. For instance, give A the nickname and B the nickname Then, you can make the principal name of whatever renaming you make that targets B, even with local nickname A, whereas A is previously renamed away to With this constraint in mind, a typical way to use package-renaming would be to use the following in your my-system.asd file: (defsystem my-system :depends-on (:my-system-meta) :around-compile "my-system-meta::call-with-renamings" ...) And in B-renaming.asd: (defsystem my-system-meta :depends-on (:package-renaming) :components ((:file "renamings"))) And in renamings.lisp: (defpackage :my-system-meta (:use :cl :package-renaming)) (effect-package-renaming '((:A (:A :A.regular.nick (:B (:B :B.regular.nick (defun with-renamings (thunk) (call-with-package-renamings '((:A (:B :A :B.other.nick)) thunk)) That's not all that simple, but at least it's possible. If you implement an easier all-in-one solution based on this, I'll happily merge it into this package-renaming. ==== TO DO ==== 1- document it 2- write tests 3- document how to use it with ASDF 4- make it work when there are non-trivial overlaps between old names and new names 5- write more tests

Dependencies (2)

  • alexandria
  • hu.dwim.stefil

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