

rename and manage categorized named objects

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StackSmith <>


BSD 3-clause license


TRIVIAL-RENAMER (RENAME) is a configurable Lisp tool for renaming objects using regular expressions, and maintaining mappings between old and new names. It may be useful as a component in projects such as file managers, MP3 renamers, and FFI generators.

TRIVIAL-RENAMER operates on 'categorized' names. Some examples of categories (which may be arbitrary lisp objects) are: file types/extensions, music album or songs, or FFI types.

Prior to renaming, TRIVIAL-RENAMER requires that you provide it with rules for categories. Each category can have one or more rules; each rule is a pair containing a regex and the substitution string. These are usually bulk-loaded as a list or rules, although you can add them dynamically.

The renaming process consists of rule-based renaming followed by a call to a 'normal' function you provide. If no rules can be found, the 'default' renaming function is called. The result will be checked to assure one-to-one correspondece between old and new names.

Both the format of the rules and the transformation function are configurable; the default is to perform regex text substitution based on rules that contain (regex . newstring).

After renaming, the hashtables built are made available to your application.

Any number of different renamers can be active at the same time.




The defaults create a renamer that expects string objects. A simple downcase renaming function is provided to test the functionality.

CL-USER> (ql:quickload :trivial-renamer)
CL-USER> (make-instance 'rename:renamer)

CL-USER> (rename:please "HELLO WORLD") ;; default is downcasing
"hello world"

CL-USER> (rename:rule 'cat1 '(("e" . "3")))  ;; add a regex substitution rule

(renamer:please "monkey" 'cat1)


The example above shows a number of defaults in use. For instance, both normal and default renaming routines start out as lowercasing the string, unless set. If the renamer itself is not specified, rename:*default-renamer* is used which is useful for testing. If the category is not specified, T is used for category. See the documentation below for more information.

Rationale and use case

The raison d'etre of this library is a cffi binding generator. Translating C identifier names to Lisp required keeping custom name translation rules based on type of C object, its namespace, and even the object's actual name, for total control of renaming.

After renaming, there is still the daunting task of maintaining a relationship between old and new names, uniqueness of mapping, etc.

The required functionality appeared to be well suited for a library.

Keys to initialize the renamer

:TEST#'equalequality test for category hashtable.
:OVERWRITETif T, overwrite rules if category is introduced more than once. Otherwise, add new rules in front.
:VALIDATENIL(lambda (key value r)) optional function to validate a rule. If it returns, rule is valid.
:DEFAULTlowercase:default (lambda (oldname renamer)...) called if no rule is found, return string.
:NORMALobj copy:default (lambda (newname renamer)...) called after rule is processed, return string.
:TRANSFORM*renaming function; see below


(rename:rule category &optional renamer)

rulea list of (regex . newstring) pairs. Each matched regex is substituted with newstring.
categoryany object that works as a key in the rule hashtable (with :TEST)

(rename:rules list &optional renamer)

list'(category ((regex . newstring) (regex .newstring)) category ((...)) ...)

(rename:please oldname &optional renamer)

Returns the new name.

Raises errors if the old name is already transformed and new transform mismatches, or if newly generated name is already in use.

(rename:reset &optional renamer)

Clear the renamer data and rules.

Transform function

(lambda name category rules renamer)

It is possible to completely change the behavior of TRIVIAL-RENAMER by installing a different version of this function: the format of the rules, the actual transformations, etc.

The default transform expects each rule to be in the form of (regex . replacement), and repeatedly attempts to perform the replacements on the name.

Dependencies (1)

  • cl-ppcre

Dependents (0)

    • GitHub
    • Quicklisp