

This system provides a convenient interface for manipulating XML data. It is inspired by the xmltio library.

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Jan Moringen <jmoringe@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de>


Jan Moringen <jmoringe@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de>


xml.location README


The xml.location system provides manipulation of and a conversionmechanisms for XML data:
  • Typed, XPath-based location bindings
  • Extensible Lisp -> XML and XML -> Lisp conversion
  • Creation of XPath-specified XML structures
  • Automatic compile-time parsing of XML documents and XPaths

This means, when working with an XML document

<root foo="1 2 3">old text</root>
we can write
(let ((document (cxml:parse "<root foo=\"1 2 3\">old text</root>" (stp:make-builder))))
  (with-locations (((:name name)                          "node()")
                   (text                                  "node()/text()")
                   ((:@ (foo "foo") :type '(list number)) "node()"))       document
    (setf text "new text"
          foo  '(4 5))
    (values name text foo (stp:serialize document (cxml:make-string-sink)))))
 "new text"
 (4 5)
 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<root foo=\"4 5\">new text</root>")


The simplest case of using xml.location looks like this:
(let ((loc (xml.location:loc "<foo a='1' b='c d'>bar baz</foo>" "node()")))
   (xml.location:name loc)
   (xml.location:@    loc "a" :type 'integer)
   (xml.location:@    loc "b" :type '(list symbol))))
=> (values "foo" 1 (C D))
The first line uses the xml.location:loc function to construct axml.location:location object for the document ~<foo a="1" b="cd">bar baz</foo>~ and the XPath node(). In lines 3 -5, thefollowing things are extracted and returned as Lisp objects:
  1. the name of the root node (using the xml.location:nameaccessor)
  2. the value of the attribute "a", interpreted as integer (usingthe xml.location:@ attribute accessor)
  3. the value of the attribute "b", interpreted as list of symbols

The accessors xml.location:name, xml.location:@ and xml.location:val are setf able places:

  (let ((loc (xml.location:loc "<foo old-attr='1'/>" "node()[@pred-attr='baz']"
                                :if-no-match :create)))
    (setf (xml.location:@ loc "old-attr" :type 'number) 2
          (xml.location:@ loc "new-attr")               "foo")
  => #<(LOCATION 3 MIXINS) node()[@pred-attr='baz'] in <foo new-attr="foo" pred-attr="baz" old-attr="2"/> {FAC7D81}>
Note how :if-no-match :create causes specified locations to becreated if they do not exist already --- including things specifiedin form of predicates in some cases.

In both previous examples, a single xml.location:location object was used multiple times. Such cases can be simplified using the xml.location:with-locations-r/o and xml.location:with-locations macros. The former binds variables to values extracted from XML locations while the latter uses symbol macros to make XML locations setf able places:

    (((:name name)                             "node()")
     (text                                     "bla/text()")
     ((:@ (my-foo "foo") :type '(list number)) "node()")
     ((:@ bar)                                 "node()"))
    "<bla foo='1 2 4' bar='baz'>foo</bla>"
  ;; Set values of generalized variables
  (setf name   "frooble"
        my-foo '(5 6)
        bar    42
        text   "bubba")

  ;; Extract values from generalized variables
  (values name my-foo bar text))
=> (values "frooble" (5 6) "42" "bubba")


4Conversion Infrastructure

The core of the conversion infrastructure consists of twooperations:
  • Lisp -> XML conversion
  • XML -> Lisp conversion
Actually, there are several details which lead to a greater numberof conversions, but all of these are special cases of theaforementioned two conversions.

4.1TODOLisp to XML conversion

4.2TODOXML to Lisp conversion

4.3Adding Conversions

There are several possible ways to define to/from XML conversionmethods for a type:
  1. Types that have obvious string representations
  2. Types that require a structured representation
  3. Types that require a structured representation and have internalstructure that can be represented in several different ways
Types of the first kind often work without the definition ofadditional methods since the default behavior for to/from stringconversion uses read and print which is often sufficient.

For the second kind of type, at least the following two methods have to be defined:

  (defmethod ->xml ((value MY-TYPE)
                    (dest  stp:element)
                    (type  t))
    "Store VALUE in XML element DEST."
    ;; actual conversion code

  (defmethod xml-> ((value stp:element)
                    (type  'MY-TYPE))
    "Retrieve an instance of MY-TYPE from the XML element VALUE."
    ;; actual conversion code


Dependencies (10)

  • alexandria
  • closer-mop
  • cxml-stp
  • iterate
  • let-plus
  • lift
  • local-time
  • more-conditions
  • plexippus-xpath
  • split-sequence
  • GitHub
  • Quicklisp