

ADP extension to generate github markdown files.

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Héctor Galbis Sanchis



Add Documentation, Please... with Github Flavoured Markdown

Welcome to ADP-GITHUB!

ADP-GITHUB is an exporter for ADP. It defines some functions and macros to print markdown-styled objects like headers, lists, code blocks and more. It also supports cross references and table of contents. Every symbol is exported from the adp-github package, although you can use the nickname adpgh.


  • Manual:
cd ~/common-lisp
git clone
  • Quicklisp (Ultralisp):
(ql-dist:install-dist "" :prompt nil)
(ql:quickload "adp-github")


How to use

In your asd file, you need to :defsystem-depends-on the system adp-github. Also, is really recommended to make a separate system only for documentation generation. And, lastly, you should specify :build-operation to be "adp-github-op".

(defsystem "my-system"
  ;; ...

(defsystem "my-system/docs"
  :defsystem-depends-on ("adp-github")
  :build-operation "adp-github-op"
  :depends-on ("my-system")
  :components ((:scribble "README")))

Now, from the REPL, just evaluate the following expression:

(asdf:make "my-system/docs")

Where the files are generated

There is a simple rule and one expception. The rule says that every file is generated in a mirrored place under the docs directory. For example, the contents of file scribble/myfile.scrbl are printed into the file docs/scribble/

The exception is the use of adpgh:select-output-file. As the name suggest, you can select the output file. It accpets a pathname. That pathname is always treated as a relative path to the system's root directory.

Dependencies (4)

  • adp
  • alexandria
  • closer-mop
  • trivial-arguments

Dependents (0)

    • GitHub
    • Quicklisp