

Common Lisp bindings to libcmark, the CommonMark reference implementation

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HiPhish <>


.. default-role:: code ################################### libcmark bindings for Common Lisp ################################### This system implements bindings for the CommonMark_ reference implementation library cmark_. It allows us to parse a CommonMark document into a tree of nodes, which we can then transform and traverse. Installation ############ This project uses ASDF_ as its build system. There are two systems provided: `cmark` (what you most likely want) and `libcmark.` In either case, you will need the following: - A Lisp implementation which supports CFFI_ - CFFI - The native cmark_ library installed on your system For further dependencies please refer to the `cmark.asd`_ file. Using ##### There are two separate systems. The `cmark` system is a high-level lispy system which most users will want to use. It provides most of the functionality of the C library using idiomatic and native Common Lisp concepts. It depends on the `libcmark` system. The `libcmark` system is just a set of thin bindings over the C API using CFFI. It is mostly a 1:1 binding and you will most likely only need it if you want to create your own high-level system on top of it. The `libcmark` system can be loaded without loading the `cmark` system. The documentation is written in `GNU Texinfo`_, you can build it via the provided makefile: `make doc` will build the documentation in HTML and GNU Info formats. Example ======= Let us parse a small CommonMark document and print the node tree. .. code-block:: lisp (defpackage #:cmark-user (:use #:cl #:cmark)) (in-package #:cmark-user) (defvar *document-tree* (cmark::parse-document "Hello *world*!") "Parse the document into a tree of nodes") (defun print-node (node &optional (level 0)) "Recursively print each node and its children at progressively deeper levels" (format t "~&~A~A" (make-string (* 2 level) :initial-element #\Space) (class-name (class-of node))) (dolist (child (cmark::node-children node)) (print-node child (1+ level)))) (print-node *DOCUMENT-TREE*) This produces the following output: .. code-block:: DOCUMENT-NODE PARAGRAPH-NODE TEXT-NODE EMPH-NODE TEXT-NODE TEXT-NODE Roadmap ####### The project is pretty much feature complete. There are a few things that would be nice to have, but they are by no means blockers for a stable release. Here is a list of the remaining tasks: - Maybe custom printed representation for node classes? License ####### Released under the `BSD-2-Clause` license. See the LICENSE_ file for details. .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _CommonMark: .. _cmark: .. _GNU Texinfo: .. _ASDF: .. _CFFI: .. _cmark.asd: cmark.asd .. _LICENSE: LICENSE.txt

Dependencies (4)

  • cffi
  • cl-fad
  • fiveam
  • flexi-streams

Dependents (0)

    • GitHub
    • Quicklisp