Common Lisp Cxx Interoperation
1CL-CXX-JIT - Common Lisp C++ JIT for exposing C++ functions
This library provides an interface to C++ from lisp. It compiles C++ code, then loads it into lisp. It was inspired by RCRL and the older project CL-CXX.
(from '("list of string headers") 'import "normal string is inserted as it is" '("function/function-pointer/mem-fun-pointer/lambda" . "name-used-in-lisp"))
1.2.1SDL2 Example

(ql:quickload :cxx-jit)
(setf cxx-jit:*cxx-compiler-link-libs* "-lGL -lSDL2 -lSDL2main")
(cxx-jit:from '(
'("[](){return SDL_Init(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO));}" . "init")
'("SDL_CreateWindow" . "create-window")
'("SDL_CreateRenderer" . "create-renderer")
'("SDL_SetRenderDrawColor" . "set-color")
'("SDL_DestroyWindow" . "destroy-window")
'("SDL_RenderClear" . "clear-renderer")
'("SDL_RenderPresent" . "renderer-render")
'("SDL_Quit" . "sdl-quit"))
(setf wind (create-window "create-window" 0 0 600 700 0))
(setf rend (create-renderer wind -1 0))
(loop for x to (* 255 3)
for r = (if (> x 255) 255 x)
for g = (if (> x 255) (if (> x (* 2 255)) 255 (rem x 256)) 0)
for b = (if (> x (* 2 255)) (rem x 256) 0)
(print x)
(set-color rend r g b 255)
(clear-renderer rend)
(renderer-render rend)
(sleep 0.01))
(destroy-window wind)
1.2.2Basic Example
Start with(ql:quickload :cxx-jit) (in-package cxx-jit)
(from '("<string>") 'import '("[](std::string x){return \"Hi, \"+x;}" . "hi"))
(hi "there!")
(from '("<cmath>") 'import '("static_cast<double(*)(double)>(std::sin)" . "cpp-sin"))
(cpp-sin 0d0)
(cpp-sin pi)
(cpp-sin (/ pi 2))
(from nil 'import "struct C{ auto hi(){return \"Hello, World\\n\";} auto bye(){return \"Bye\";} };" '("&C::bye" . "bye") '("&C::hi" . "hi") '("[](){static C x; return x;}" . "cc"))
(hi *)
(bye **)
;;; structure definition could be written in a header file then be used as the following:
(from '("c.hpp") 'import '("&C::bye" . "bye") '("&C::hi" . "hi") '("[](){static C x; return x;}" . "cc"))
1.2.3Eigen Library Example
Start with(ql:quickload :cxx-jit) (in-package cxx-jit)
(from '("<Eigen/Core>" "<Eigen/Core>") 'import '("[](Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp<Eigen::internal::scalar_identity_op<double>,Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>> x){
std::stringstream s;
s << x;
return s.str();}" . "print-matrix"))
(from '("<Eigen/Core>" "<Eigen/Core>") 'import '("static_cast<const Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp<Eigen::internal::scalar_identity_op<double>,Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>> (*)()> (&Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity)" . "identity-matrix"))
(print-matrix (identity-matrix))
- common lisp supporting CFFI
- working C++17 compiler
- the following variables should be set according to OS and compiler used
variable | default value |
*cxx-compiler-executable-path* |
"/usr/bin/g++ " |
*cxx-compiler-flags* |
"-std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -I/usr/include/eigen3 " |
*cxx-compiler-working-directory* |
"/tmp/ " #\/ '/' should be the last character |
+cxx-compiler-lib-name+ |
(intern "plugin ") |
+cxx-compiler-wrap-cxx-path+ |
shouldn't be changed "path to wrap-cxx.cpp " |
*cxx-compiler-internal-flags* |
"-shared -fPIC -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--no-allow-shlib-undefined " |
for g++ and for clang++ "-shared -fPIC -Wl,-undefined,error -Wl,-flat_namespace " |
*cxx-compiler-link-libs* |
"-lm " these flags are added after "-o output " to link correctly |
*cxx-type-name-to-cffi-type-symbol-alist* |
alist to map c++ type name to cffi type example:"(push (cons "long unsigned int" :ulong) *) " |
Clone into home/common-lisp directory. Then(ql:quickload :cxx-jit-test)
1.5Supported Types
C++ type | Lisp cffi type |
fundamental | same |
string | :string |
class | :pointer |
std::is_function | :pointer |
other | not implemented! |
1.6Under The Hood
- function/lambda/member_function/function_pointer is wrapped into a dummy lambda class to have a unique template specialization.
Import([&]() { return __VA_ARGS__; });
function callsDecayThenResolve
with function pointer as the template specialization so thunk pointer is omitted and we only return the direct function pointer which will be used from lisp side.InvocableTypeName
returns a vector contains: [return type, class type for class function member, args]. It resolves C++ types as follows:- Fundamental types and pointers are passed directly
- String is converted to char* with new[] operator, should be cleared with
ClCxxDeleteObject(ptr, true)
- Class/std::is_function is converted to void* with new[] operator, should be cleared with
ClCxxDeleteObject(ptr, false)
- rest report an issue for other cases
- Meta data for each function defined is passed through a lisp callback with this data:
typedef struct { // could be void* void (*thunk_ptr)(); bool method_p; const char **type; // memory handled in C++ std::uint8_t type_size; } MetaData;
Tested on:- SBCL 2.0.1 on debian
1.8Todo List
1.8.1TODOAdd redirect stdout : freopen("/tmp/tmp.txt", "w", stdout);
1.8.2TODOUse trivial-garbage with ClCxxDeleteObject
1.8.3TODOAdd non-polling from
1.8.4TODOTest functions
1.8.6TODOBetter class interface
Copyright (c) 2021 Islam Omar (
Licensed under the MIT License.