reasonably fast operations for 1-4d vectors, matrices, and arrays of vectors.
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anders hoff / @inconvergent /
VEQ is a set of convenience utilities for writing (1d/)2d/3d vector mathematics. It suports single vectors or arrays of vectors, with some broadcasting and reduction operations.
VEQ was written to be the vector library used in my generative art library auxin, and in cl-grph.
Examples and Documentation
Here are some examples of use:
(in-package :veq) (fvprogn (xlet ((f2!a (f2 1f0 2f0)) (f2!b (f2 3f0 100f0)) (line (f2$line 3f0 40f0 7f0 3f0)) (va (f$_ (loop for v from 0 below 6 collect (list (ff v) (ff (1+ v))))))) ; veq:vp pretty prints input code and output values (vp (f2len (f2!@*. (f2+ a b) 0.1f0))) ; convenience function to print arrays of vectors: (2$print line) ; returns line (vp (f2!@$+ vb 3f0 100f0)) ; only return vb from index to below 5 (vp (f2!@$+ (?@ va 2 5) 3f0 100f0)) (vp (f2. (f2$ va 0) (f2$ line 1))) ; dot product (vp (f2cross (f2$ line 0 1))) ; cross product ; equivalent to: (vp (f2cross (f2$ line 0) (f2$ line 1))) (vp (f2!@$+ (f2$zero 3) 3f0 1f0)) (vp (f21_@$f2len (f2!@$+ (f2$zero 3) 3f0 1f0))) (vp (f21_@$+ vb)) ; see documentation for vv macro for more info about !@, _@, .@ compiler ; triggers ; TODO, improve example for new features ))
For more examples go to examples.
You can also see some usagee in the tests.
See docs for automatically generated symbol documentation.