High-level Flickr interface
Clickr & Automatr 0.2
Clickr is a high-level binding library of the Flickr API for Common
Lisp. Automatr is an application for automating various tasks in
Flickr which utilizes Clickr. I've written about both on my blog:
See below for how Clickr 0.2 differs from the description in my blog,
which was written for version 0.1.
To use Clickr or Automatr for yourself, you'll need, apart from a
Common Lisp implementation (I've only tested it on OpenMCL), the
following packages:
Clickr itself is an ASDF package.
* via ASDF the following:
If you have ASDF-INSTALL, they should be downloaded automatically
when you load Clickr.
You'll also need to get your own Flickr API key and shared secret to
make Flickr API calls.
The function "request-authorization" in "flickr.lisp" uses this line
to open a URL in a browser:
(run-program "open" (list url))
If you're using OpenMCL on a Mac this'll probably work for you. If
you're not, change it to whatever will make your system open that URL.
Differences between Clickr 0.1 and 0.2
While Clickr 0.1 used a global variable to store your API key and
shared secret, Clickr 0.2 lets you provide this data when you fetch a
"root" object from Flickr. You'll still have problems if you want to
use more than one API key in a Clickr session, but the interface is
cleaner now and more extensible for future improvements.
What you'll need to do is get an "API info". You can either create
one yourself by calling MAKE-FLICKR-API-INFO, or you can let
REQUEST-AUTHORIZATION create one for you.
You can then use that API info object to, for example, fetch a user
via USER-WITH-NAME. The user object you'll get knows which API info
was used to fetch it, so you won't have to specify it again if you
want to get the user's photos, for example.
If you want to use Automatr you'll have to edit the rules in
"automatr.lisp". They should really be in a separate file, but I was
too lazy to make it so. Most of the rules probably won't work for you
because you're not a member of the groups in question, and some won't
work for sure because you can't add photos to my sets. I suggest you
delete all the rules and write one or two simple ones for yourself, so
that you get a feel for how it works. It'll also speed Automatr up.
I use "load-flickr.lisp" to load the whole package (you'll have to
insert you Flickr data there). To make Automatr do its thing, do
(defparameter *my-actions* (login-and-make-actions *me*))
After that you should have a file "actions.html" which contains a list
of all the actions Automatr wants to carry out. To actually carry
them out, do
(apply-actions *my-actions*)
Clickr and Automatr are free software distributed under the terms of
the GNU General Public License. The file `COPYING' contains the text
of the license.
If you have comments, bug-fixes or improvements to Clickr or Automatr,
please don't hesitate to email me!
Have fun!
Mark Probst