

Provides a macro and some conditions for use within macros and compiler-macros.

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Shubhamkar B. Ayare




Another attempt at compiler-macro.

  • Here, we do not treat compiler notes as warnings, but instead these are a separate class of conditions. These are also not errors.

  • Two main condition classes are provided: compiler-macro-notes:note and compiler-macro-notes:optimization-failure-note. While the latter is a subclass of the former, the latter notes are printed in a slightly different manner to the former.

  • To be able to correctly print the expansion path that led to the condition, user code is expected to avoid performing a nonlocal exit to a place outside with-notes.

Support is also provided for reporting the notes via swank/slime if loaded.


Notes may be muffled by

  • calling muffle on them; this is useful if you are not relying on with-notes to handle them
  • or by using the custom declaration compiler-macro-notes:muffle with the appropriate types
  • or by binding *muffled-notes-type* to the appropriate type at compile time; this can be useful if you are relying on eval to - say - test something

The effect is that the notes are signalled but not printed.

(defun foo (a b)
  (+ a b))

(define-condition not-a-number (optimization-failure-note)
  ((form :initarg :form :reader form))
  (:report (lambda (c s)
             (format s "~S is not a number" (form c)))))

(define-compiler-macro foo (&whole form a b &environment env)
  (with-notes (form env)
    (unless (numberp a)
      (signal 'not-a-number :form a))
    (unless (numberp b)
      (signal 'not-a-number :form b))
    (return-from foo (+ a b))))

(defun bar (a b) (foo a b))
; Compiler-macro of FOO is unable to optimize
;   (FOO A B)
; because:
;   A is not a number

(defun bar (a b)
  (declare (muffle not-a-number)) ; no note printed
  (foo a b))

(disassemble 'bar)
; disassembly for BAR
; Size: 29 bytes. Origin: #x52DB5C53                          ; BAR
; 53:       498B4510         MOV RAX, [R13+16]                ; thread.binding-stack-pointer
; 57:       488945F8         MOV [RBP-8], RAX
; 5B:       488BD6           MOV RDX, RSI
; 5E:       488BFB           MOV RDI, RBX
; 61:       B904000000       MOV ECX, 4
; 66:       FF7508           PUSH QWORD PTR [RBP+8]
; 69:       E9F42F66FD       JMP #x50418C62                   ; #<FDEFN FOO>
; 6E:       CC10             INT3 16                          ; Invalid argument count trap

(defun baz () (foo 4 5))

(disassemble 'baz)
; disassembly for BAZ
; Size: 21 bytes. Origin: #x52DB5CEC                          ; BAZ
; CEC:       498B4510         MOV RAX, [R13+16]               ; thread.binding-stack-pointer
; CF0:       488945F8         MOV [RBP-8], RAX
; CF4:       BA12000000       MOV EDX, 18
; CF9:       488BE5           MOV RSP, RBP
; CFC:       F8               CLC
; CFD:       5D               POP RBP
; CFE:       C3               RET
; CFF:       CC10             INT3 16                         ; Invalid argument count trap



Default Value: NIL

Bound to a type. Notes that are of type given by the value of this variable will not be printed. Example:

The compile time value of this variable is OR-ed with the muffle declarations to decide which notes to muffle.


Function: (muffle note)

Do not print this note. As a declaration, this takes in type specifiers as arguments.






Macro: (with-notes
        (form env &key (name) (unwind-on-signal t) (other-conditions NIL)
         (per-line-prefix ; ) (optimization-note-condition t))
        &body body)

A macro to readably signal compiler-macro-notes:note for end-users:

  • Expects env to evaluate to an environment suitable for passing to CL-ENVIRONMENTS.CLTL2:DEFINE-DECLARATION
  • body is surrounded by a (BLOCK with-notes ...) on the outside
  • Further, with-notes also wraps the body in an UNWIND-PROTECT and prints the conditions that were signalled before exiting. If unwind-on-signal is non-NIL, then returns form if a condition was signalled, else if no condition was signalled returns the (primary) return value of body.
  • If unwind-on-signal is NIL, surrounds body in a HANDLER-BIND and prints all the compiler notes that were signalled. If non-NIL, prints only the first signalled note.
  • optimization-failure-notes are printed only if optimization-note-condition form evaluates to non-NIL: optimization-note-condition is expected to be a form.
  • other-conditions is a type-specifier that indicates which other conditions should be reported.
  • If the user code in BODY does result in an expansion, then it is expected to avoid performing a nonlocal exit to a place outside with-notes. Not doing so could result in an incorrect print of the expansion paths.

Dependencies (2)

  • alexandria
  • cl-environments
  • GitHub
  • Quicklisp