A thin wrapper to post HTML emails through
mailgun - send emails from Common Lisp!
.. Everything starting from this commit will be inserted into the
index page of the HTML documentation.
.. include-from
This library provides an easy way to send transactional emails through
.. note:: You don't have to setup your own SMTP servers!
And they have a "free" plan with 10000 emails per month.
Previously, I used this code in one of my projects, but seems this
functionality needed almost in any serious web application. So, I
decided to make it available as a separate library.
Here is how to use it
First, setup an account at You need to add your
domain there and to reveive an authentication token.
.. code-block:: common-lisp
(setf mailgun:*domain* "")
(setf mailgun:*api-key* "key-************************")
(mailgun:send (""
"Mail subject")
(:h1 "This is a test letter")
(:p "It is in a HTML format and supports some tags"
"For example, I can make " (:b "a bold text") ".")
(:p "And here we have some items, passed to the template:")
(loop for item in items
do (mailgun:htm
(:li item)))))
* Add support for styles, build them with LASS and embed into an email's
.. Everything after this comment will be omitted from HTML docs.
.. include-to
Building Documentation
Provide instruction how to build or use your library.
How to build documentation
To build documentation, you need a Sphinx. It is
documentaion building tool written in Python.
To install it, you need a virtualenv. Read
this instructions
`how to install it
Also, you'll need a `cl-launch <>`_.
It is used by documentation tool to run a script which extracts
documentation strings from lisp systems.
Run these commands to build documentation::
virtualenv --python python2.7 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
invoke build_docs
These commands will create a virtual environment and
install some python libraries there. Command ``invoke build_docs``
will build documentation and upload it to the GitHub, by replacing
the content of the ``gh-pages`` branch.
* Alexander Artemenko (
Copyright (c) 2018 Alexander Artemenko (