

Portable regular expressions for Common Lisp

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Dorai Sitaram


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= pregexp pregexp is a portable implementation of regular expressions (regexps) that runs in any R5RS- or R4RS-compliant implementation of the programming language Scheme, and in Common Lisp. The regexp notation supported is compatible with Perl’s, and includes such powerful directives as - numeric quantifiers - non-greedy quantifiers - POSIX character classes - non-capturing clusters (in addition to the usual capturing kind) - selective (i.e., per-cluster) case-insensitivity - selective space-insensitivity (with provision for comments) - backreferences - alternation - backtrack pruning - lookahead (positive and negative) - lookbehind (positive and negative) This is in addition to the more basic directives familiar to all regexp users. == For Scheme Simply load the file `pregexp.scm` into your Scheme. Alternatively, if your dialect allows it, you can install pregexp as a module — consult the file link:INSTALL.adoc[]. However you load pregexp, you will now have access to the procedures - `pregexp` - `pregexp-match-positions` - `pregexp-match` - `pregexp-split` - `pregexp-replace` - `pregexp-replace*` The use of these procedures is described fully and with examples in the pregexp manual. == For Common Lisp `pregexp.lisp` is a Common Lisp implementation of the same routines as in `pregexp.scm`, with the same behavior (modulo transparent stuff like `nil` being the CL equivalent of `#f`). == Documentation The pregexp manual is at ❧❧❧ —Dorai Sitaram

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      • GitHub
      • Quicklisp