

Code to pack rectangles into a bigger rectangle. Useful for texture packing for OpenGL.

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Willem Rein Oudshoorn <>


LLGPL, but I am flexible, ask me if you want something else.

Simple Bin Packing / Rectangle Packing

This code implements a simple algorithm for a complicated problem, given a set of rectangles, pack them into a square/rectangle.

I wrote this because I am playing with OpenGL and want to pack multiple graphics into a texture.


This code is a straight adaptation of the code found Packing Lightmaps.


The main interface consists of two functions pack-rectangles and pack-rectangles-tree. Both functions take two arguments,

  1. A list of rectangles
  2. A keyword argument :size specifying the size of the target rectangle (as a rectangle)

The only difference is the return value. The function pack-rectangles-tree return a tree representation of the packing. This tree is mostly usefull as an intermediate representation.

The pack-rectangles returns a list of placements, each placement is of the form (x y orientation rectangle) where rectangle is one of the input rectangles, the x and y are the placement coordinates, and orientation indicates if the rectangle is rotated.

At the moment orientation is always :0 indicating no rotation.


A rectangle is any list as along as the first two values of the list indicate the width and height of the rectangle. So for example (200 300 "This is a rectangle") is a rectangle, and so is (200 300) or (200 300 (lambda (x) x))

Supporting functions

  1. tree-utilized-size takes one argument, a tree, and returns the packed size.
  2. rectangle-tree-to-rectangle-list takes a tree as an argument and returns the same output as pack-rectangles.
  3. write-html takes a tree and a file name and write a html file which will show the packing.


The code tries to place the rectangles in the order they are given. It turns out that it pays off to trie them in order of size. E.g. first sort them on either area or lexicographically on the coordinates.


Simple packing.

> (pack-rectangles (list '(100 200 "Hallo") '(300 400 "Nr 2")  '(50 100 "Tall") '(200 30 "Wide")))
((400 0 :|0| 200 30 "Wide") (100 0 :|0| 300 400 "Nr 2")
 (0 200 :|0| 50 100 "Tall") (0 0 :|0| 100 200 "Hallo"))

Or using the tree

> (pack-rectangles-tree (list '(100 200 "Hallo") '(300 400 "Nr 2")  '(50 100 "Tall") '(200 30 "Wide")))
#<NODE {100CCF8473}>
> (write-html * "/tmp/pack.html")

The resulting html shows a picture like this, note that the target size was very large, so red rectangle sticking out to the right easily fits.

Screen shot of browser


  1. It should have the ability to automatically increase the target size.
  2. It should also try rotations.
  3. Performance, it is currently not optimized for performance. If performance is an issue, there is a lot that can be done to make it faster.


It is licensed under LLGPL. This is because it is my default license when I do not want to think about licensing stuff. However, I am flexible and if you want any other license, ask me, and I am likely to agree with it.

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      • GitHub
      • Quicklisp