

A seedable random number generator.

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Michael Fiano <>




Provides a convenient means of generating random numbers that are seedable with deterministic results across hardware and Common Lisp implementations.


This library is a light wrapper over cl-pcg, providing a convenient method of generating seedable random numbers. Using it is as simple as creating a generator, and calling one of the various generation functions on that generator.

Generators can be seeded with any string value, to aid in remembering the seed (rationale: words or a sequence of words are easier to remember than numbers).

If a seed string is not provided when constructing a generator, a seed is randomly generated for you. Such random seed strings are of a particular form to aid in remembering and sharing results with others. To do this, the generator randomly chooses 5 words from a curated dictionary of 7776 words that are dissimilar from each other, and appends them together delimited by hyphen characters.

In addition to constructing a generator given a seed string or having one generated automatically, we also support seeding a generator given another generator object. In this case, a seed string for the new generator is randomly generated using the seed of the supplied generator. In this way, you can have distinct nested generators giving independently deterministic results.


(ql:quickload :seedable-rng)


(make-generator &optional source)

Construct a generator suitable for generating random numbers. The type of source determines how the generator is seeded:

null: If source is NIL, a seed is randomly generated. This is useful if you don't care about deterministic results.

string: Seeded using this string. Any generator with the same string seed will result in the same sequence of random numbers.

generator: If given another generator as the source, a seed will be generated using the seed of the generator supplied. In this way, you can have distinct nested generators giving independently deterministic results.

(get-seed generator)

Return the seed string of generator. In case an integer is needed, one is provided as a secondary return value.

(bool generator &optional (probability 0.5))

Randomly generate a boolean value, with probability chance of a true result.

(int generator min max &optional (inclusive-p t))

Randomly generate an integer (fixnum) to be within the lower bound and upper bound denoted by min and max. If inclusive-p is non-NIL (the default), then the range is inclusive.

(float generator min max)

Randomly generate a single-precision floating point number to be within the lower bound and upper bound denoted by min and max.

(element generator sequence)

Randomly choose a single element from the given sequence.

(shuffle generator sequence)

Randomly shuffle the given sequence, non-destructively.

(die generator sides &key (modifier 0) (count 1))

Simulate rolling a die of sides sides count number of times, summing the results. modifier is an additional value to sum with the final result.


Copyright © 2021-2022 Michael Fiano

Licensed under the MIT License.

Dependencies (3)

  • cl-pcg
  • ironclad
  • mfiano-utils
  • GitHub
  • Quicklisp