

SHA1 Digest and HMAC for Common Lisp.

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Jeffrey Massung


Apache 2.0

SHA1 Digest and HMAC for Common Lisp

A very simple implementation of SHA1 and HMAC-SHA1 for Common Lisp. The code is intended to be easy to follow and is therefore a little slower than it could be.


There are 6 functions exposed in the sha1 package:

(sha1-digest message)                   ;=> digest
(sha1-hex message)                      ;=> string
(sha1-base64 message &optional encoder) ;=> string

(hmac-sha1-digest key message)                   ;=> digest
(hmac-sha1-hex key message)                      ;=> string
(hmac-sha1-base64 key message &optional encoder) ;=> string

A digest is a list of 20 bytes. The -hex functions will return a hexadecimal string that is equal to the digest. The -base64 functions will return a base64-encoded string of the digest.

They key and message arguments can either be a sequence of bytes or a string (ASCII or UTF-8).

Some examples (from the Wikipedia pages):

CL-USER > (sha1-digest "")
(218 57 163 238 94 107 75 13 50 85 191 239 149 96 24 144 175 216 7 9)

CL-USER > (sha1-hex "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")

CL-USER > (require :base64) ;; From massung/base64
CL-USER > (sha1-base64 "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

CL-USER > (hmac-sha1-hex "key" "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")

That's it!

Dependencies (0)

    Dependents (2)

    • hunchensocket
    • websocket-driver
    • GitHub
    • Quicklisp