

Simple test runner in Common Lisp.

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Simple test runner in Common Lisp.

Getting Started in simplet


I believe it works in all implementations, but I only tested the one I use, which is the SBCL.


No dependency.

Download and load

1 - Load simplet system by quicklisp

(ql:quickload :simplet)

2 - Download and load simplet system by github and asdf

Download directly from github:

git clone

and load by ASDF:

(asdf:load-system :simplet)

Note: Remember to configure asdf to find your directory where you downloaded the libraries (asdf call them "systems") above, if you do not know how to make a read at: or

Create suite and test

SIMPLET> (suite "Suite 1"
                (test "Test one equal one" #'(lambda () (= 1 1)))
                (test "Test two equal two" #'(lambda () (= 2 2))))
SIMPLET> (suite "Suite 2"
                (test "Test three equal three" #'(lambda () (= 3 3))))

Run tests

SIMPLET> (run)

Test one equal one: T
Test two equal two: T
Suite 1: T

Test three equal three: T
Suite 2: T

Runner result: T


You also can getting an string of run, instead of printing on REPL:

SIMPLET> (run :return-string-p t)

Suites and tests PENDING(or also called TODO)

It's simple to add a suite or test PENDING. To the suites, just do not add tests to it. To the tests just do not add a test function. Suites and tests PENDING do not make the runner result fail, however they are marked with PENDING instead of T. See the example below:

SIMPLET> (suite "Suite 1"
                (test "Test one equal one" #'(lambda () (= 1 1)))
                (test "Test two equal two"))
SIMPLET> (suite "Suite 2")

SIMPLET> (run)

Test one equal one: T
Test two equal two: PENDING
Suite 1: T

Suite 2: PENDING

Runner result: T


Suites and tests only/skip

For suites only:

SIMPLET> (suite-only "Suite 1"
                     (test "Test one equal one" #'(lambda () (= 1 1)))
                     (test "Test two equal two" #'(lambda () (= 2 2))))
SIMPLET> (suite "Suite 2"
                (test "Test three equal three" #'(lambda () (= 3 3))))

SIMPLET> (run)

Test one equal one: T
Test two equal two: T
Suite 1: T

Runner result: T


For tests only:

SIMPLET> (suite "Suite 1"
                 (test-only "Test one equal one" #'(lambda () (= 1 1)))
                 (test "Test two equal two" #'(lambda () (= 2 2))))
SIMPLET> (suite "Suite 2"
                (test-only "Test three equal three" #'(lambda () (= 3 3))))

SIMPLET> (run)

Test one equal one: T
Suite 1: T

Test three equal three: T
Suite 2: T

Runner result: T


For suites skip:

SIMPLET> (suite-skip "Suite 1"
                     (test "Test one equal one" #'(lambda () (= 1 1)))
                     (test "Test two equal two" #'(lambda () (= 2 2))))
SIMPLET> (suite "Suite 2"
                 (test "Test three equal three" #'(lambda () (= 3 3))))

SIMPLET> (run)

Test three equal three: T
Suite 2: T

Runner result: T


For tests skip:

SIMPLET> (suite "Suite 1"
                 (test-skip "Test one equal one" #'(lambda () (= 1 1)))
                 (test "Test two equal two" #'(lambda () (= 2 2))))
SIMPLET> (suite "Suite 2"
                 (test-skip "Test three equal three" #'(lambda () (= 3 3))))

SIMPLET> (run)

Test two equal two: T
Suite 1: T

Suite 2: T

Runner result: T


Beware of traps when mixing only and skip:

SIMPLET> (suite-skip "Suite 1"
                     (test-only "Test one equal one" #'(lambda () (= 1 1)))
                     (test "Test two equal two" #'(lambda () (= 2 2))))
SIMPLET> (suite "Suite 2"
                 (test "Test three equal three" #'(lambda () (= 3 3))))

SIMPLET> (run)

Runner result: T


ASDF integration

Do not forget to add :defsystem-depends-on (:simplet-asdf) to your-app.asd system definition file, this will enable:test-file in the :components. The class :test-file is similar to:file except it will be loaded only when call asdf:test-system. See an example below:

(defsystem :your-app
  ;; ...
  :in-order-to ((test-op (test-op your-app/test))))

(defsystem :your-app/test
  :author "your <>"
  :depends-on (:your-app :simplet)
  :defsystem-depends-on (:simplet-asdf)
  :components ((:module "test"
                ((:test-file "your-app-test"))))
  :perform (test-op (op c) (symbol-call :simplet '#:run)))

To run tests with ASDF:

(asdf:test-system :your-app)


  • Whitout cacth error
  • Solely synchronous tests
  • Whitout fixtures
  • Whitout timeout
  • Without recursives suites
  • Without assertion libraries integration
  • Not possible execution of tests whitout suites(because not contain the concept of root-suite.)


function (suite description &rest tests)

function (suite-only description &rest tests)

function (suite-skip description &rest tests)

function (test description &optional fn)

function (test-only description &optional fn)

function (test-skip description &optional fn)

function (run &key return-string-p)

Dependencies (0)

    Dependents (3)

    • assert-p
    • eventbus
    • skeleton-creator
    • GitHub
    • Quicklisp