Ensures consistent *FEATURES* across multiple CLs.
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trivial-features ensures consistent *FEATURES*
across multiple
Common Lisp implementations.
For example, on MacOS X platforms, while most Lisps push :DARWIN
, CLISP and Allegro push :MACOS
respectively. Some Lisps might not push any feature suggesting MacOS
X at all. trivial-features will make sure all Lisps will have
in the *FEATURES*
list when running on MacOS X. This
way, you can write
#+darwin foo #-darwin bar
instead of
#+(or darwin macos macosx) foo
#-(or darwin macos macosx) bar
The included document describes the set of symbols that
should or should not be present in CL:*FEATURES*
on certain
circumstances. This specification is implemented by the
TRIVIAL-FEATURES system which supports a handful of Lisps.
The test suite is, in effect, an implementation using CFFI that
is checked against the various implementations in src/tf-*.lisp
trivial-features is MIT-licenced.
Dependencies (3)
Dependents (74)
- 3bz
- babel
- bike
- bodge-blobs-support
- bordeaux-threads
- c2ffi-blob
- cffi
- cl-async
- cl-autowrap
- claw
- claw-olm
- cl-cairo2
- cl-cffi-gtk
- cl-dct
- cl-editdistance
- cl-fbx
- cl-flac
- cl-fond
- cl-gamepad
- cl-isaac
- cl-k8055
- cl-ktx
- cl-liballegro-nuklear
- cl-mixed
- cl-monitors
- cl-mpg123
- cl-muth
- cl-opus
- cl-out123
- cl-sat
- cl-sdl2
- cl-soloud
- cl+ssl
- cl-steamworks
- cl-vorbis
- common-lisp-jupyter
- commonqt
- cserial-port
- deploy
- depot
- dexador
- external-program
- file-attributes
- file-notify
- file-select
- filesystem-utils
- float-features
- font-discovery
- harmony
- house
- hyperluminal-mem
- input-event-codes
- iolib
- journal
- lisp-zmq
- lmdb
- maiden
- mcclim
- messagebox
- mmap
- moira
- numpy-file-format
- osicat
- pathname-utils
- petalisp
- posix-shm
- ppath
- qt-libs
- shellpool
- sucle
- swap-bytes
- trivial-main-thread
- trivial-package-manager
- xcat