

Universal Foreign Function Library for Common Lisp

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Kevin Rosenberg <kevin@rosenberg.net>


Kevin M. Rosenberg <kmr@debian.org>


Lessor Lisp General Public License
Package: UFFI (Universal Foreign Language Interface) Web site: http://uffi.kpe.io Author: Kevin M. Rosenberg BRIEF DESCRIPTION ----------------- uffi is a Common Lisp package for interfacing C-language compatible libraries. Every Common Lisp implementation has a method for interfacing to such libraries. Unfortunately, these method vary widely amongst implementations. uffi gathers a common subset of functionality between Common Lisp implementations. uffi wraps this common subset of functionality into it's own syntax and provides macro translation of uffi features into the specific syntax of supported Common Lisp implementations. Currently, AllegroCL (Linux and Microsoft Windows), Lispworks (Linux and Microsoft Windows), CMUCL, SBCL, and OpenMCL are supported.

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