

An implementation of macroexpand-time conditionalization

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Michał "phoe" Herda <phoe@disroot.org>




This is an implementation of macroexpand-time branching in portable Common Lisp.

The main use case is to avoid closing over variables for performance.

Find it in Serapeum!

This library is now also available as a part of Serapeum with a few name differences:



Let's consider the following function:

(defun make-adder (x &key huge-p)
  (lambda (y) (+ x y (if huge-p 1000 0))))

The result of calling (MAKE-ADDER 10) closes over HUGE-P and makes a runtime check for its value.

CL-USER> (disassemble (make-adder 10))
; disassembly for (LAMBDA (Y) :IN MAKE-ADDER)
; Size: 65 bytes. Origin: #x53730938                          ; (LAMBDA (Y) :IN MAKE-ADDER)
; 38:       488975F8         MOV [RBP-8], RSI
; 3C:       488BD3           MOV RDX, RBX
; 3F:       E8EC012DFF       CALL #x52A00B30                  ; GENERIC-+
; 44:       488B75F8         MOV RSI, [RBP-8]
; 48:       4881FE17011050   CMP RSI, #x50100117              ; NIL
; 4F:       BFD0070000       MOV EDI, 2000
; 54:       B800000000       MOV EAX, 0
; 59:       480F44F8         CMOVEQ RDI, RAX
; 5D:       E8CE012DFF       CALL #x52A00B30                  ; GENERIC-+
; 62:       488BE5           MOV RSP, RBP
; 65:       F8               CLC
; 66:       5D               POP RBP
; 67:       C3               RET
; 68:       CC10             INT3 16                          ; Invalid argument count trap
; 6A:       6A20             PUSH 32
; 6C:       E8FFFA2CFF       CALL #x52A00470                  ; ALLOC-TRAMP
; 71:       5B               POP RBX
; 72:       E958FFFFFF       JMP #x537308CF
; 77:       CC10             INT3 16                          ; Invalid argument count trap

It would be better for performance if the test was only made once, in MAKE-ADDER, rather than on every call of the adder closure. MAKE-ADDER could then return one of two functions depending on whether the check succeeds.

(defun make-adder (x &key huge-p)
  (if huge-p
      (lambda (y) (+ x y 1000))
      (lambda (y) (+ x y 0))))

A brief look at the disassembly of this fixed version shows us that we're right:

CL-USER> (disassemble (make-adder 10))
; disassembly for (LAMBDA (Y) :IN MAKE-ADDER)
; Size: 21 bytes. Origin: #x53730BC7                          ; (LAMBDA (Y) :IN MAKE-ADDER)
; C7:       488BD1           MOV RDX, RCX
; CA:       E861FF2CFF       CALL #x52A00B30                  ; GENERIC-+
; CF:       31FF             XOR EDI, EDI
; D1:       E85AFF2CFF       CALL #x52A00B30                  ; GENERIC-+
; D6:       488BE5           MOV RSP, RBP
; D9:       F8               CLC
; DA:       5D               POP RBP
; DB:       C3               RET

Still, with more flags than one, this style of writing code is likely to become unwieldy. For three flags, we would need to write something like this for the runtime version:

(defun make-adder (x &key huge-p enormous-p humongous-p)
  (lambda (y) (+ x y
                 (if huge-p 1000 0)
                 (if enormous-p 2000 0)
                 (if humongous-p 3000 0))))

But it would look like this for the macroexpand-time version:

(defun make-adder (x &key huge-p enormous-p humongous-p)
  (if huge-p
      (if enormous-p
          (if humongous-p
              (lambda (y) (+ x y 1000 2000 3000))
              (lambda (y) (+ x y 1000 2000 0)))
          (if humongous-p
              (lambda (y) (+ x y 1000 0 3000))
              (lambda (y) (+ x y 1000 0 0))))
      (if enormous-p
          (if humongous-p
              (lambda (y) (+ x y 0 2000 3000))
              (lambda (y) (+ x y 0 2000 0)))
          (if humongous-p
              (lambda (y) (+ x y 0 0 3000))
              (lambda (y) (+ x y 0 0 0))))))

The total number of combinations for n boolean flags is 2^n, making it hard to write and maintain code with so many branches. This is where WITH-BRANCHING comes into play. Using it, we can write our code in a way that looks similar to the runtime-check version:

(defun make-adder (x &key huge-p enormous-p humongous-p)
  (with-branching (huge-p enormous-p humongous-p)
    (lambda (y) (+ x y
                   (branch-if huge-p 1000 0)
                   (branch-if enormous-p 2000 0)
                   (branch-if humongous-p 3000 0)))))

This code gives us the clarity of runtime-checked version and the performance of a compile-time-checked version (at a cost of increased code size). A total of eight versions of the body (and therefore, eight possible LAMBDA forms) are generated. At runtime, only one of them is selected, based on the boolean values of the three flags we provided.

Three conditional operators are provided - BRANCH-IF, BRANCH-WHEN, and BRANCH-UNLESS, mimicking the syntax of, respectively, IF, WHEN, and UNLESS.

Bypassing the macroexpand-time branching

It is possible to use the variable *BRANCH-BYPASS* for bypassing macroexpand-time branching; this is useful e.g. when trying to read the macroexpansions or when debugging. If that variable is set to true, the behavior of the macroexpander is modified:

  • WITH-BRANCHING expands into a PROGN form,
  • BRANCH-IF expands into an IF form,
  • BRANCH-WHEN expands into a WHEN form,
  • BRANCH-UNLESS expands into an UNLESS form.

Exceptional situations

Trying to use BRANCH-IF, BRANCH-WHEN, or BRANCH-UNLESS outside the lexical environment established by WITH-BRANCHES will signal a PROGRAM-ERROR.

Trying to use a branch name BRANCH-IF, BRANCH-WHEN, or BRANCH-UNLESS that wasn't declared in WITH-BRANCHES will signal a PROGRAM-ERROR.


(asdf:test-system :with-branching)

Shorter symbol names

If you want to use package-local nicknames for the conditional operators, such as W:IF, W:WHEN, or W:UNLESS, while accepting the risk that people reading your code may mistake them for standard Common Lisp operators, (ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM :WITH-BRANCHING/DANGEROUS) and depend on the symbols from the WITH-BRANCHING/DANGEROUS package instead.



Dependencies (3)

  • agnostic-lizard
  • alexandria
  • trivial-indent

Dependents (0)

    • GitHub
    • Quicklisp