

A unifying template matcher based on closure-html for web scraping and extraction

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Ian Eslick


Ian Eslick


MIT style license


A simple Lisp-based DSL for extracting information from web pages

chtml-matcher performs pattern-based unification over HTML via a set of compiled nested closures. It uses the closure-html library to parse HTML to lhtml, a lisp form of HTML. A template list is passed to (match-template template lhtml) and returns a bindings object containing an alist of all the extracted information.

The semantics are reasonably intuitive, but might require a little playing around to get a good feel for how to solve most common problems. The API is small and the package.lisp provides pointers to where to look. The whole library is less than 1k lines of code so easy enough to read through.

Download and Dependencies

Clone it from github. The old repository on is deprecated.

chtml-matcher depends on my home-brew cl-stdutils, closure-html, cl-ppcre, and f-underscore, although all but closure-html could be removed if necessary.

LXML Template Unfication

The DSL provides a light-weight way to extract fields from nested HTML/XML structure represented in LHTML (as produced by closure-html). A template is a declarative representation of substructure with embedded variables that are bound when the substructure matches.

Substructure is loosely matched, such that if any given body element doesn't match, the next child is considered until all the template body elements have matched a lhtml element or the end of the elment has been reached without a match.

Prepending < to a tag enables a depth-first search for that tag so you can avoid specifying the parent path (similar to // in xpath)

Any matching template that consists of a variable reference results in a binding set being created and returned if all elements of the template node successfully match.

Additional reserved operators allow you more flexibility on managing what is matched and how bindings from subtrees are combined

all: match same template multiple times over the children of a given node and store them as a list attached to a fresh bindings list

merge: create a single binding out of each of the sub-bindings. A node body has an implicit merge

nth: find the nth instance that matches the full body of this operator

regex: matches if regex returns register values for a string (as a list)

fn: Run the referenced function symbol on the current parse state and return bindings, t or nil as appropriate.


I've recently been mining some posts from vBulletin sites. I go to the last day's posts, get a list of all the new posts, then go to the thread and grab the post body. The following two templates do 90% of the work. Of course, I have to write code to convert the data I extract to web page fetches, etc.

(defparameter *vbulletin-search-template*
  '(<tbody nil
     (all ?records 
       (tr nil
         (td nil)
	   (td ((class "alt1"))
	     (div nil
	       (a ((href ?thread-uri))
         (td ((class "alt2") (title ?activity))
           (div nil ?post-date
	     (span nil ?post-time)
	     (a ((href ?user-uri))
	     (a ((href ?last-post-uri)))))))))
    '(:records ((:thread-name . "Thread name")
                (:thread-uri  . "Thread URI")
                (:post-date   . "Date String")
	    (:post-time   . "Time String")
                (:username    . "Username")
                (:user-uri    . "URI String")
                (:last-post-uri . "URI String"))

This looks for a table body in the search results page, then gets bindings for all matching elements and puts them within another bindings object bound to :records as specified by 'all'. The pattern pulls out all the user, thread, post and date information for all results. You can match elements on strings, regular expressions and arbitrary function calls as well.

I use subst to customize the following pattern to find a particular post in a page. It replaces 'post_message_?' with a unique id for a post then returns its thread number and the entire post body.

  (defparameter *vbulletin-post-template*
    `(<tbody nil 
   (tr nil (<a ((name ?post-num))))
   (tr nil)
   (tr nil (?post-body <div ((id "post_message_?"))))))

I use Firefox FireBug to inspect the HTML tree, identify the best unique enclosing context I can specify and then provide enough structure to uniquely capture the data I want. This approach is highly robust to many small HTML changes and should be reasonably fast.

Dependencies (4)

  • closure-html
  • cl-ppcre
  • cl-stdutils
  • f-underscore

Dependents (0)

    • GitHub
    • Quicklisp