Grip is a simple logging interface and framework. The core package contains basic infrastructure and interfaces.
``cl-grip`` -- Logging System for Common Lisp
``cl-grip`` is a high-level logging system for Common Lisp, focusing on a
clear user interface, support for flexible structured logging, and easy
extensibility for different backends to support direct logging to various
Grip represents levels of messages as a number between 1 and 100, with "named
levels" occurring at intervals of 10. The levels are defined as constants in
the ``grip.level`` package. The named levels are:
- ``trace``
- ``debug``
- ``info``
- ``notice``
- ``warning``
- ``error``
- ``critical``
- ``alert``
- ``emergency``
Loggers posses a "threshold" level and only messages with levels greater than
or equal to the threshold.
Messages wrap data sent to the logger and contain additional metadata used in
the production of log messages. Grip's core provides a simple "string" log
message that wraps strings, as well as a "structured" message type that wraps
simple alist/plist and hashmaps.
The following generic functions control message creation and behavior:
- ``loggable-p``
- ``export-message``
- ``make-message``
- ``resolve-output``
Loggers store configuration and state related to the delivery of log
messages, in the case of loggers that write to streams, this may a reference
to the stream itself, or may include a message buffer, or credentials to an
external service. The primary implementation is the ``stream-journal`` which
writes all messages to the provided stream, standard output by default, or
perhaps a file. There is also a ``base-journal`` which is used as a base class,
and unconditionally prints log lines to standard output. The
``merged-journal`` stores a vector of other journals, and has a
``send-mesage`` method that distributes messages to all loggers.
The following generic functions control logger behavior:
- ``send-message`` delivers the message to the configured output, if the
message is logable.
- ``format-message`` formats the entire log line.
- ``log>`` send a message at a specific log level. There are implementations
that take ``base-message`` implementations others that use ``make-message``
to convert to a message type.
By convention send-message should call ``format-message`` (which can in turn
call ``resolve-message``).
There are also a collection of methods on ``(logger message)`` for each log
level that are implemented generically in terms of ``log>``, they are:
- ``trace>``
- ``debug>``
- ``info>``
- ``notice>``
- ``warning>``
- ``error>``
- ``critical>``
- ``alert>``
- ``emergency>``
Loggers hold a separate formating object which is responsible for configuring
the output format of log lines. These objects hold configuration and are
passed to the following generic functions:
- ``resolve-output`` is responsible for formating the output of the logging
- ``format-message`` is responsible for formating the entire log message,
typically by calling ``resolve-output``, but also has access to the logger
itself, and may attach some additional metdata (e.g. the log level and
logger name.)
Core Logging Functionality
The core "grip" system has very few external dependencies, and a secondary
"ext" system contains implementations that rely on other external libraries,
which you can opt into as needed.
By default you can load the ``grip`` package and begin using the logging
methods without further configuration: there is a default logger configured so
that the following operations will work: ::
(grip:info> "log message")
To send structured data: ::
(grip:info> '(:msg "hello"
:value 100))
(let ((msg (make-hash-table :test #'string=)))
(setf (gethash "message" msg) "test message")
(setf (gethash "value" msg) val)
(eel "value" "value")
(grip:error> msg))
In the more advanced case, you can set up your own logger and populate the
``*default-logger*`` variable in the grip package, as in: ::
(setf grip:*default-logger* (make-instance 'grip.logger:stream-journal :name "example" :output-target *error-output*))
At this point, you can use the default logging methods which will now send
standard error. Alternately, you can define a logging instance and store it
centerally (or pass it around) and pass it directly to logging methods, as in:
(let ((logger (make-instance 'grip.logger:stream-journal :name "example" :output-target *error-output*)))
(grip.logger:info> logger "hello world"))
You can easily pass strings, association lists, property lists, hash-tables,
or any type that implements the ``export-message`` method. Additionally, the
``new-message`` function, which is exported from the ``grip`` package, is
useful for creating messages, and provides a few useful additional options:
- To produce with a formatted string content, you can use one of the following
forms: ::
(new-message "hello {{name}}, welcome to {{place}}" :args '(("name" . "kip") ("place". "grip")))
(new-message "hello ~A, welcome to ~A" :args '("kip" "grip"))
Will produce a message that is formated with substitutions. The first form,
using alists, uses double-brace substitution (using cl-strings), and the
second form uses standard ``format`` macro formatting. This type, for
whatever it's worth defers string processing until the message is logged, at
which point the resolved message is cached, which may be more efficient for
longer strings with multiple outputs as well as in cases where messages may
not be logged.
- To modify the ``conditional`` flag in a message (or ``:when`` argument to
the message constructor), which will prevent it from being logged. Use this
to avoid wrapping your logging statements in ``when`` blocks. ::
(new-message "hello kip!" :when (should-log (now)))
- To define the level when creating the message, which is also available using
``make-message``, to facilitate passing messages directly to ``log>``. The
default level value is ``+debug+`` but this is optional, and safely set to
the correct level when using a log level method. ::
(new-message "hello kip!" :level +info+)
Advanced Features
In addition to common workflows, ``cl-grip`` contains a few additional or
non-obvious featres that might be interesting for some use-cases:
JSON Formatting
The ``grip.ext.json`` package includes two formatters that produce JSON
formatted output:
- ``json-simple-formatter`` does not annotate messages or add any metadata to
the output, but sends messages in a JSON format.
- ``json-metadata-formatter`` adds a ``metadata`` field holding a JSON object
with three fields: time, level, and logger name.
To use, just create and set the relevant object, as in the following: ::
(setf (message-formatter *default-journal*) (make-instance 'json-meatadata-formatter))
(setf (message-formatter *default-journal*) (make-instance 'json-simple-formatter))
You can also construct a logger and pass the ``:format`` initarg, as in: ::
(make-instance 'stream-journal
:name "grip"
:threshold +info+
:format (make-instance 'json-metadata-formatter)
:output-target *standard-output)
Merged Output Targets
The core ``merged-journal`` implementation provides support for a kind of
``tee``'d output pattern where the same log messages are dispatched to more
than one output target. Often it makes sense to send output to some kind of
centralized log storage system (perhaps on a buffer), while also mirroring
those messages locally in some form.
The method ``merge-journals`` will take any two journal implementations and
create a merged output. There implementations to support merging outputs into
an existing mergered journal, or merging two other journals.
Buffered Output
The ``grip.ext.buffer`` package provides an output target that buffers
messages dispatched to an underlying sender for a defined interval or maximum
number of messages. To use, create an instance as follows: ::
(make-instance 'buffered-journal
:journal (make-instance 'base-journal)
:size 500
:interval (local-time-duration:duration :sec 15))
The only required initform is ``journal``, size defaults to 100, and the
interval defaults to 10 seconds.
The implementation uses `chanl <>`_ to handle the
background processing, and is likely to perform poorly on particularly
low-volume workloads. Messages are sent to the journal wrapped in batches.
Batched Messages
In the ``grip.message`` package there is a ``batch-message`` class, with the
accompanying ``merge-messages`` generic function that should make it possible
to combine groups of messages in a single "batch". There's fallback behavior
that will unwindind and "send" each of the constituent messages
individually. The implementations of ``merge-messages`` make batches easy to
construct: ::
(merge-messages (make-message +info+ "one") (make-message +info+ "two"))
(let ((batch (make-instance 'batch-message')))
(merge-messages batch (make-message +info+ two)))
You can also use ``merge-messages`` to merge two batches (the messages from
the smaller batch are added to the larger batch,) and there are
implementations to passing the arguments in the opposite order.
The concept is that a batch of messages may make it easier for output
implementations to take advantage of bulk delivery methods, which are more
efficient at scale, particularly for output targets that might have some kind
of rate limiting. Internally, ``batch-messages`` are used by the
Grip's design privileges extensibility and simple . Message formatting, line
formating, output targets, and even logger behavior should be easy to override
and customize. This section will cover what classes you need to create and
methods you should implement.
Output Targets
To write log data to a different output:
- subclass ``grip.logger:base-journal``, to store the configuration and state
of your logger, and
- specialize the generic function ``grip.logger:send-message`` to declare how
messages would be delivered.
Consider the following implementation, from the tests tests for a logger that
just stores messages in a vector: ::
(defclass in-memory-journal (base-journal)
:initform (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
:reader output-target))
(:documentation "a basic logger with similar semantics to the basic
journals but that saves "))
(defmethod send-message ((logger in-memory-journal) (msg grip.message:base-message))
(when (loggable-p msg (threshold logger))
(vector-push-extend msg (output-target logger))
(format-message logger (message-formatter logger) msg)))
You can choose to specialize other methods, including ``format-message``,
which takes the logger as an argument, and any of the ``grip.logger`` logging
methods (e.g. those that end in ``>``,) but that is optional.
Message Formatting
There are two formating and message processing stages, first the
``resolve-output`` message process the content or payload of the message,
while the ``format-message`` calls ``resolve-output`` and packages additional
information into message. In the default case, format-message is responsible
for adding the name of the logger, the timestamp, and the log level.
The ``base-journal`` implementation has a ``formater`` slot that holds a
message format configuration object, which is passed to both formatting
functions, so that loggers can configure how messages are output.
Grip is available under the terms of the Apache v2 license.
Please feel free to create issues if you experience a problem or have a
feature request. Pull requests are particularly welcome and encouraged!
Workflow Suggestions
- I suggest checking out this repository in your
``~/quicklisp/local-projects/`` directory (or equivalent). To run coverage
tests you will want also make this available in
`~/.roswell/local-projects/tychoish/cl-grip`` (I use symlinks for these
- To run tests, you can either run them interactively in SLIME, or use the
``make test`` target in the makefile. I prefer SLIME for interface for
development purposes, but the makefile is useful for validating the tests in
a clean environment.
- A ``make coverage`` target exists to produce a coverage report in
``report/cover-index.html`` directory. This target depends on having
``rove`` in the ``PATH`` which you can achieve by ``ros install
In general, consider the following guidelines:
- grip aims to have full test coverage, particularly for the core system,
although this isn't always practical. Do write tests! If you have trouble
figuring out how to test a feature, or a change in a pull request, don't
worry and we can work that out later.
- limit the number of dependencies in the core package. If you want to write a
logger that
- grip uses a single package per file model. at this time, and attempts to
limit the number of exported symbols per package.
While there is not a strong roadmap or timeline for grip, if you're interested
in contributing to grip but don't know where to start, the following
features or areas might be a good place to start:
- benchmarking: while the implementation is straight forward, it would be nice
to know what kind of overhead the logging infrastructure takes, and some
kind of benchmarking would be useful in determining the impact of changes.
- logging output targets. There are a number of potential logging/messaging
output formats that could be interesting:
- (ext) logging directly to splunk, probably using their HEC and some kind of
message batching.
- (ext) logging directly to the SumoLogic service, which should be broadly
similar to splunk, but would require a separate implementation.
- (ext) output implementations targeting "alerting workloads" including XMPP,
slack, email, and webhook delivery.
- message handling improvements:
- (core) extending the ``structured-message`` and ``make-message`` handlers
to do better with additional input types.
- (ext) improve the automatic metadata collection and population for
structured messages, both during message collection and also by
configuring formatters.
- (core) provide easier helpers for creating arbitrary structured
messages. Perhaps a ``with-message`` macro or similar.
- (ext) message implementations and tooling that collect data about the
application state.
- implementation of a stream object which wraps a logger implementation, using
`trivial gray streams <>`_
to facilitate using a logger in APIs that rely on a stream (like output of a