An implementation of the Khronos KTX image file format
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Yukari Hafner <>
Yukari Hafner <>
## About cl-ktx
This is an implementation of the "Khronos KTX"( image file format.
## How To
Load the cl-ktx library, and invoke ``read-file`` to read a file from any of the supported "binary-structures"( backends.
The returned structure can be easily accessed. Since the image data is already pre-packed for upload to the GPU, you should be able to just iterate over the ``mipmaps`` and upload via ``gl-tex-image-2d`` etc. Note that the ``gl-*`` functions return the direct enum integers that you can pass to the relevant functions.
You can also write ktx files back out with ``write-file`` after constructing one from the raw data. You can set the desired enum keywords on the ``gl-*`` functions and it'll convert to the enum integer for you.