

DSL to notate specification, rather than test framework.

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Shinichi Sato, SATO Shinichi



JINGOH 3.0.1

NOTE! Jingoh is very personal products, so use your own risk. Other products (if any) are strongly recommended.

What is this?

DSL to notate specification, rather than test framework.

Notable differences from other test suites.

Specification notation rather than test framework.

When specification is modified, test should be fixed. Vice vaca, when a hole found in specification via test, specification should be fixed. Idealy, both specification and test should be managed in one place.

Readability oriented syntax rather than writablility.

In concept above, test is specification, so readability prior than writability. Author may need writability. Unfortunately, author is few, but the third persons. For syntax details, see SYNTAX.md.

Including specification template (i.e. as test template).

TDD begginer may not understand what should be written as test. Thanks to CLHS, we know what should be written as specification. For details, see generator/README.md.

Including dribble for REPL driven development.

Most CLer will do REPL driven development. Writting tiny codes, loading it to lisp environment, then checking it inside REPL. If find something unexpected behavior, fixing codes, reloading it and so on. For such users, jingoh provides special dribble repl. Your interactions with REPL are automatically send spec file. For details, see generator/README.md.

Including from-spec(i.e. test)-file-to-HTML converter.

Managing both test and specification at one place allows you to never write documentation, since it is already written. You can say "See spec/test file.", but we provide little bit prittier to html comverter. For details, see documentizer/README.md.

Including from-spec(i.e. test)-file-to-github-wiki converter.

Additionaly, we provide to github-wiki converter. For details, see documentizer/README.md.

Including from-spec(i.e. test)-file-to-lisp-documentation importer.

Additionaly, we provide lisp documentation importer. You can refer spec documentation via CL:DOCUMENTATION. For details, see documentizer/README.md.

Customizable issue printer.

What is the best issue report? It is issue of flavor. We print issue as raw data object. Thanks to CLOS, you can easily customize printer with PRINT-OBJECT.

Support coloring printing.

For readability, we provide coloring printing. In many cases, you will not feel like to customize issue printer.

Support S-Expression-equal. (alpha quality.)

It is hard to test macro generate correct S-Expression. Because, there is symbol which generate via GENSYM. We will provide SEXP=. (This is alpha quality, so it is internal.)

Support parallel testing.

Optionaly you can choose parallel testing.

Including project skelton generator.

Battery included. You can ignore some annoying knowledge about backward.

How to use.


If your system is already made, evaluate below.

NOTE! You must specify your system with keyword.

(asdf:load-system :jingoh.generator)
(jingoh.generator:generate :your-system)

In this case, jingoh will make spec subdirectory in your system source directory like below.

  |--- your-system.asd
  |--- your-system.lisp
  |--- spec/
        |--- your-system.test.asd
        |--- your-system.lisp

Else if your system is not made yet, specify :init keyword with T.

(jingoh.generator:generate :your-system :init t)

In this case, jingoh works like project skeleton generator (e.g. quick-project.).

  |--- README.md
  |--- spec/
        |--- your-system.lisp
        |--- your-system.test.asd
  |--- src/
        |--- your-system.lisp
  |--- your-system.asd

In both cases, test is already setup. To run test, evaluate like below.

(asdf:test-system :your-system)

Writing specifications.

Let's say your-system has function like below.

(defun adder (num)
  "Make adder function."
  (lambda (x)
    (+ x num)))

To add specification of ADDER to your spec file, evaluate like below.

(jingoh.generator:dribble :your-system)


Now, you are in the dribble repl. To append spec file with template, input :g.



Input function name.

>> adder


Jingoh appends spec file with template like below.

(requirements-about ADDER)

;;;; Description:
; Make adder function.

(ADDER num) ; => result

;;;; Arguments and Values:

; num := 

; result := 

;;;; Affected By:

;;;; Side-Effects:

;;;; Notes:

;;;; Exceptional-Situations:

This template is designed to be same with hyper-spec.

Different from ordinary repl, dribble repl ask you each result are expected.

DRRIBLE> (adder 1)

Is it expected return type? (y or n)

If yes, spec file are appended.

Is it expected return type? (y or n) y


Ok, try to next test.

DRIBBLE> (adder :not-number)

Is it expected return type? (y or n)

Let's say you want to specify signaling an error in this case. FUNCTION is not expected return type.

When you choice NO, it invokes ordinary deubgger.

Is it expected return type? (y or n) n

debugger invoked on a UNEXPECTED-BEHAVIOR in thread
#<THREAD ....>:

restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
  0: [USE-VALUE] Specify expected type.
  1: [DRIBBLE  ] Return to dribble.
  2: [ABORT    ] Exit debugger, returning to top level.

This is ordinary debugger, so you can do anything in debugger, editting, reloading, etc.

Let's modify source like below.

(defun adder (num)
  "Make adder function."
  (check-type num number)
  (lambda (x)
    (+ x num)))

After modifying and reloading your system in the debugger, select restart DRIBBLE to return dribble repl.

DRIBBLE> (adder :not-number)

debugger invoded on a SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR in thread
#<THREAD ...>:

restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
  0: [STORE-VALUE] Supply a new value for NUM.
  1: [APPEND-SPEC] Append spec, returning to dribble.
  2: [DRIBBLE    ] Return to dribble.
  3: [ABORT      ] Exit debugger, returning to top level.

Ok, signaling an error is expected behavior. Let's choice restart APPEND-SPEC.

To exit dribble repl, input :q.



After dribble session, edit the spec file to move test code in the right place.

After editting, spec file may like below. To write comment, use markdown syntax with semicolon escape. To know completed syntax, see SYNTAX.md. One-sentence-some-examples style is recommended.

(requirements-about ADDER)

;;;; Description:
; Make adder function.
#?(ADDER 1) :be-the FUNCTION

; Apply number to returned function, such function return added value.
#?(FUNCALL (ADDER 1) 2) => 3

(ADDER num) ; => result

;;;; Arguments and Values:

; num := number which is acceptable for `CL:+`, otherwise error

; result := function as `(FUNCTION (NUMBER) NUMBER)`

;;;; Affected By:
; none

;;;; Side-Effects:
; none

;;;; Notes:

;;;; Exceptional-Situations:

Running test.

NOTE! Before running test, do not forget export (if it will be exported.) symbol from your system package, or import (if it will be internals.) symbol from your system package to spec package.

(asdf:test-system :your-system)

passed example


After writing your-system's spec file, if you want to get your system's html documentations, evaluate like below.

(asdf:load-system :jingoh.documentizer)
(jingoh.documentizer:documentize :your-system)

Jingoh will make doc subdirectory in your system source directory.

If you want provide such documentations as github wiki, after clone github wiki repository, evaluate like below.

(jingoh.documentaizer:github :your-system "path/to/your-system.wiki/")

Then push it.

Parallel testing.

Normally, jingoh run tests sequentially. If you want to run tests in parallel, modify spec/your-system.test.asd like below.

(defsystem :your-system.test
  :depends-on (:jingoh.parallel ; <--- instead of :jingoh
  :components ((:file "your-system"))
  (test-op(o c)(symbol-call :jingoh.parallel ; <--- instead of :jingoh
                            :pexamine ; <--- instead of :examine

NOTE! Parallelizing has its own overhead, so parallel testing may slower than sequential testing.

From developer

Product's goal




Tested with

Known issue.



Dependencies (23)

  • GitHub
  • Quicklisp