

Automatically create a command-line-argument parser for a given Common Lisp function definition.

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Jorge & Charles


AGPL v3 or any later version


whereiseveryone.command-line-args is a Common Lisp system for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs). Turn your Common Lisp function into a command which you can use from the command line. Do so without thinking about organizing command line options, traversing command line arguments, or generating a help message.

By writing just a few declarations, you can get command line options, positional arguments, variadic parameters, and a help message.

With just a tiny bit of code, you can get subcommands nested however deeply you want (see the subcommand-case macro).

Every command is generated with help options (-h, --help) and a help subcommand help. The help text is largely populated by the docstring for the command; it also uses information about subcommands and flags.

Project page can be found here.


This example shows an imaginary and abbreviated version of how one might define a typical Unix ls command. It shows how to declare parsers, declare alternative flag, and variadic arguments. The keyword arguments become command line options.

;; Assume you have a pakcage local nickname of cli for whereiseveryone.command-line-args (like the whereiseveryone.command-line-args.user package).
;; Assume you are using cl-annot and have already enabled the reader.
(defun ls (&optional (files (list (uiop:getcwd)))
           &key all author list reverse recursive size human-readable
             ignore (width 0) (tabsize 8))
   ;; make files variadic
   (cli:parser (list merge-pathnames) files)
   ;; parse these as Boolean options
   (cli:parser cli:parse-boolean
               all author list reverse recursive size human-readable)
   ;; parse `ignore' as a regular expression
   (cli:parser ppcre:parse-string ignore)
   ;; parse these as integers
   (cli:parser parse-integer width tabsize)
   ;; use -R for `recursive` instead of the already taken -r
   (cli:flag #\R recursive)
   ;; use -T for `tabsize` instead of the default -t
   (cli:flag #\T tabsize))
  "List information about the FILES (the current directory by default).

   FILES: The directories to have their information listed.

   ALL: Do not ignore entries starting with \".\".

   AUTHOR: With LIST, print the author of each file.

   LIST: Use a long listing format.

   REVERSE: Reverse order while sorting.

   RECURSIVE: List subdirectories recursively.

   SIZE: Print the allocated size of each file in blocks.

   HUMAN-READABLE: With LIST and SIZE, print sizes like 1K 234M 2G etc.

   IGNORE: Do not list implied entries matching shell pattern.

   WIDTH: Set output width. 0 means no limit.

   TABSIZE: Set the tabstops for the long listing format. Default is 8."

A sample usage might look like:

$ ls -Ral --tabsize 10 --ignore '\.\..*' dir1 dir2

Here is what the help looks like. We are working on improving it based on the docstring.

$ ls --help
Usage: ls [OPTIONS...] [--] [FILES...]
List information about the FILES (the current directory by default).

  FILES     The directories to have their information listed.

  -a, --all                  Do not ignore entries starting with ".".
      --author               With LIST, print the author of each file.
  -l, --list                 Use a long listing format.
  -r, --reverse              Reverse order while sorting.
  -R, --recursive            List subdirectories recursively.
  -s, --size                 Print the allocated size of each file in blocks.
  -h, --human-readable       With LIST and SIZE, print sizes like 1K 234M 2G
  -i, --ignore               Do not list implied entries matching shell pattern.
  -w, --width                Set output width. 0 means no limit.
  -T, --tabsize              Set the tabstops for the long listing format.
                             Default is 8.

See a further example in examples/ and t.lisp.

For the docstring to be parsed correctly, use the docstring format described by https://git.sr.ht/~charje/documentation.


  • macroexpand defun to support other macros that support defun


Send patches to ~whereiseveryone/command-line-args@lists.sr.ht

charje or jgart can review patches and merge them.

Reach out if you would like to discuss the project.

Dependencies (6)

  • alexandria
  • charje.documentation
  • cl-annot
  • cl-str
  • serapeum
  • trivia

Dependents (0)

    • GitHub
    • Quicklisp