

Paypal api wrapper.

Upstream URL





No longer maintained please see


Right now this is just a thin wrapper over the paypal api.


You will need to git clone cl-tls from and put it into your local-projects, this is for verifying webhooks.

To adjust how jojo parses, set the parameter *parse-as* to either :hash-table or :plist, by default it is :plist to maintain backwards compatibility.

To adjust the content encoder, set the parameter *json-encoder* to a function, by default it is #'cl-json:encode-json-as-string.


To get started you need to set *client* and *secret* to your client and secret. Then call get-token. They are currently set to my old client and secret.

LDP> *client*
LDP> *secret*
LDP> (get-token)
#<TWO-HUNDRED {100A51E5C3}>
#<TOKEN {100A456B93}>

This sets the value of *token*. Now you have your token you can make requests.

LDP> (make-instance 'products%list)
LDP> (call-api *)
#<TWO-HUNDRED {100BD2E673}>
LDP> (body *)
 ((:|method| "GET" :|rel| "self" :|href|
 :|products| NIL)

The result is wrapped in an object with its status code and text and a body slot that contains the result. The same is true if it returns an error. The json is decoded using jonathan.

Token issues

If you have failed to set token or it has expired

LDP> (setf *token* nil)
LDP> (make-instance 'products%list)
LDP> (call-api *)
; Debugger entered on #<UNBOUND-TOKEN {100BD3E133}>

You have not evaluated 'get-token'.
   [Condition of type UNBOUND-TOKEN]

 0: [MISSING-TOKEN] Token could be broken, refresh and try again?

All requests made with call-api have the restart missing-token just in case your token expires.

LDP> (handler-bind ((token-issue (lambda (c)
                                   (declare (ignore c))
                                   (invoke-restart 'missing-token))))
       (call-api *))
#<TWO-HUNDRED {1003A50663}>
LDP> (body *)
 ((:|method| "GET" :|rel| "self" :|href|
 :|products| NIL)


All conditions are subclasses of paypal-api-condition see conditions.lisp

LDP> (handler-case (call-api *)
       (condition (c)
#<FOUR-HUNDRED-FOUR Status: 404.
Status Text: Not Found.
Body: NIL {10040F0083}>

Adding headers

Some calls accept other headers like Paypal-Request-Id to add these headers to a request lexically bind the variable *request-headers*

LDP> (let ((*request-headers* '(("Paypal-Auth-Assertion" . "imauthassertion"))))
       (declare (special *request-headers*))

Headers are sent using Dex so they have to be a properly formed alist like above. You can see the additional headers in the paypal dev docs.


By default the API URL used is the sandbox url, to go live set *testing* to non nil.

LDP> *testing*


All encoding is done with cl-json. So the easiest way to create JSON objects is to use a hash-table. There is a helper function called %quick-hash to generate a hash-table from an alist

LDP> (cl-json:encode-json-to-string (%quick-hash '(("abc" . "def"))))

Patch requests take an array:

LDP> (make-array 1 :initial-element (%quick-hash '(("abc" . "def"))))
#(#<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQL :COUNT 1 {100BED8343}>)
LDP> (cl-json:encode-json-to-string *)

Patch requests

A lot of the requests that update are patch requests which accept objects. When you are using make-instance you will see a slot called 'patch-request, put your request data in this.

Requests that have a json body

Most requests (put/post) have a body, to provide this data use the :content slot.

Query parameters

Query parameters are slots within the object, just set them and the ones that are bound will be encoded and added onto the end of the URL.

Path parameters

Path parameters are slots within the request object, just set the slots and they will be automatically encoded into the URL.

Webhook verification

To verify the signature of a paypal request there are two methods you can use. (ldp:verify-webhook ) this takes algo cert-url transmission-signature transmission-id timestamp webhook-id raw-body algo is a keyword generated with %algo->key its simply the string converted to a keyword. Or you can use (ldp:verify-paypal-webhook) which takes webhook-id request raw-body this is a method that will dispatch on REQUEST, and currently only works with a hunchentoot request object like so:

(hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (paypal-payment-processor
                                  :uri <your webhook url>
                                  :default-request-type :POST)
  (let* ((raw-data (tbnl:raw-post-data :force-binary t)))
    (if (ldp:verify-paypal-webhook (if *testing*
                                       "your testing webhook id"
                                       "Your live webhook id")
                                   tbnl:*request* raw-data)
        (let ((plist (jojo:parse (babel:octets-to-string raw-data))))
          (setf (tbnl:return-code*) 200)
          <your processing method> 
        (progn (setf (tbnl:return-code*) 400)

If you are using a server that is not Hunchentoot then you can just extract the header values and pass them to (ldp:verify-webhook), this is all the method ldp:verify-paypal-webhook is doing under the hood.



Dependencies (12)

  • cl-base64
  • closer-mop
  • cl-str
  • cl-tls
  • dexador
  • do-urlencode
  • hunchentoot
  • ironclad
  • jonathan
  • local-time
  • ningle
  • quri

Dependents (0)

    • GitHub
    • Quicklisp