

A container widget which switches between children widgets when user changes an url.

Upstream URL


Alexander Artemenko <>



Reblocks Navigation Widget



You can install this library from Quicklisp, but you want to receive updates quickly, then install it from

(ql-dist:install-dist ""
                      :prompt nil)
(ql:quickload :reblocks-navigation-widget)


This addon for Reblocks frameworks allows you to define which widgets should be shown to the user dependening on URL's path.

The main entry-point is defroutes macro. Use it to define a subclass of navigation widget and then return this widget from the session initialization method of your Reblocks application.

Nested routes

Starting from version 0.9.0, the library supports nested routes. This allows you to combine routes defined in separate systems.

For example, lets pretend we have a separate ASDF system for user management. It defines it's routes like this:

(defroutes users
  ("/" (make-user-list))
  ("/add" (make-new-user-form)))

And now, if we want to incorporate this user management app into our app having it's own routing, we can do this by using a prefix rule:

(defroutes main
  ;; a subroutes
  ((:prefix "/users") (make-users))
  ;; a usual widget
  ("/stats" (make-stats)))

In it's turn, MAIN router could be used in app having it's own PREFIX /admin. Here is how this nested setup will be processed by navigation widgets.

When user opens a page with URI /admin/users/add, then MAIN widget will be rendered first. It will see the app has /admin prefix and will cut it from the URI. Then MAIN routes widget will check /users/add against it's rules and will create USERS widget. RENDER method of USERS widget will be called with *current-path* set to /admin/users. In it's turn, USERS widget will cut /admin/users prefix from the whole URI /admin/users/add and will check /add against it's rules to find out it need to create a NEW-USER-FORM.


macro reblocks-navigation-widget:defroutes class-name &body rules

Defines a new class with name CLASS-NAME, inherited from navigation-widget.

And a function make-{class-name} to make instances of this class.

Each entry in rules should be a list of two items. First item is a regex pattern to match URL path. Second item is a form to create a widget. A new widget will be created only if URL was changed.

Here is an example of a widget with two rules:

(defroutes tasks-routes
        ("/tasks/d+" (make-task-page))
        ("/tasks/" (make-task-list "Make my first Reblocks app"
                                   "Deploy it somewhere"
                                   "Have a profit")))

With these rules, when user opens URL /tasks/ a widget returned by MAKE-TASK-LIST will be set as current-widget and shown to the user. If user clicks on some task and URL change to /tasks/100500, then a widget for a task will be created by a call to MAKE-TASK-PAGE.

Pay attention that widget creation form is responsible for extraction of the parameters from the URL. In above case, MAKE-TASK-PAGE should call REBLOCKS/REQUEST:GET-PATH and parse path to extract task's id. Probably this will change in future defroutes will catch matched path pieces.

class reblocks-navigation-widget:navigation-widget (widget)

Base class for all navigation widgets.

When rendered it tracks if URL was changed and creates a new child widget according to given navigation rules.

Usually you don't want to inherit from this class manually, but instead use defroutes macro.

reader reblocks-navigation-widget:current-widget (navigation-widget) (= nil)

reader reblocks-navigation-widget:current-path (navigation-widget) (= nil)

A whole path including the app's prefix.

reader reblocks-navigation-widget:navigation-rules (navigation-widget) (:rules)

[generated by 40ANTS-DOC]

Dependencies (10)

  • 40ants-asdf-system
  • ci
  • cl-str
  • doc
  • docs-builder
  • log4cl
  • named-readtables
  • pythonic-string-reader
  • reblocks
  • rove
  • GitHub
  • Quicklisp